While the Iowa caucus, the first leg of the Democratic nomination contest for the presidential election of November 3, was held on February 3, "Le Monde" launches its campaign logbook. A daily update, five days a week until September, with campaign facts, political advertisements, polls, maps and figures that allow you to follow and experience the most important electoral competition in the world.
In a few days, the race for the Democratic presidential nomination was overtaken by the pandemic. Since the cancellation of the meetings which were to accompany the announcement of the results of the votes on Tuesday, March 10, neither of the two remaining candidates has planned to organize rallies.
Joe Biden has already canceled a public meeting scheduled for Thursday, March 12 in Florida, one of four states to rule on the 17th. He replaced a trip to Chicago, Illinois on Friday with a teleconference during from which the public can ask questions from a distance. Customary of this kind of show of force, Bernie Sanders had planned to organize a big rally in Illinois, before the debate initially fixed in Phoenix, in Arizona, but he also gave up.
This debate, the eleventh in this electoral cycle, has been moved to Washington. One of the presenters, journalist Jorge Ramos, of the Spanish-speaking channel Univision, withdrew after announcing that he was close to a person infected with the virus, even if he did not not itself tested positive. " As a precaution "And" to limit travel across the country ", The organizers decided to bring the debate back to the Washington studio of CNN, without an audience.
As the nomination contest takes a crucial step on March 17 with the vote of four states (adding Ohio) which bring 577 delegates into play, barely less than the total of Bernie Sanders as is ( 645), the two Democratic candidates have for once made a united front to denounce the management of the pandemic by Donald Trump.
" Call the Covid-19 a “foreign virus” does not exonerate the Trump administration from bad decisions made so far Said Joe Biden in an allusion to the president's speech Wednesday, pointing to his "Resort to xenophobia". "The administration's failure to test is colossal. It is a failure in preparation, direction and implementation "Of the federal response, added the former vice president.