The House of Representatives invited to formalize the impeachment proceedings against Trump

The elected members of the House are called upon to vote on a resolution that "authorizes the publication of transcripts of hearings".

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"We are taking this initiative to eliminate any doubt that the Trump government can refuse to release documents, prevent hearings of witnesses, ignore properly authorized injunctions, or continue to obstruct the House of Representatives," Nancy writes. Pelosi - here October 27th at Kennedy Center, Washington, DC.
"We are taking this initiative to eliminate any doubt that the Trump government can refuse to release documents, prevent hearings of witnesses, ignore properly authorized injunctions, or continue to obstruct the House of Representatives," Nancy writes. Pelosi – here October 27th at Kennedy Center, Washington, DC. ALEX EDELMAN / AFP

The investigation opened more than a month ago by the Democratic opposition to dismiss Donald Trump is accelerating. No matter if Charles Kupperman, Deputy National Security Advisor John Bolton did not show up on Monday, October 28th in Congress, where he had been summoned by the elected Democrats.

The US House of Representatives decided to vote for Thursday for the first time in plenary a resolution formalizing the investigation to dismiss Donald Trump and allowing public hearings, announced Monday its Democratic President, Nancy Pelosi. The US president and the Republicans say for weeks that the inquiry opened by the Democrats is illegitimate because it was not authorized by a vote in plenary of the House.

The text "Establishes the procedure for auditions open to the Americans" and "States the rights guaranteed to the president and his defense", wrote Nancy Pelosi in a letter to her parliamentary group. The resolution, which will first be put to a vote in committee Wednesday and has good chances to be approved in the House of Representatives, "Authorizes the publication of transcripts of hearings" and "Present the necessary procedures for transmitting the evidence to the Judicial Committee"according to Mme Pelosi.

"We are taking this initiative to eliminate any doubt that the Trump government can refuse to release documents, prevent hearings of witnesses, ignore properly authorized injunctions, or continue to obstruct the House of Representatives."she continues.

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Nine witnesses heard behind closed doors

Republicans have been demanding for weeks a formal vote to mark the beginning of the investigation announced at the end of September and conducted in camera by committees of the House, a Democratic majority before which nine people have already testified. Through these hearings, Democrats seek to establish whether the Republican president abused his power for personal gain when he asked Ukraine to investigate his rival Joe Biden.

The White House denounces a " witch hunt " and refuses to cooperate with the investigation. Charges "Unfounded"says Pelosi, adding that the White House is trying to justify "His unprecedented operation of concealment" facts.

No timetable has been set for the Democrats' investigation against Donald Trump. At the end, the Judiciary Committee of the Chamber will be charged, if necessary, to define and present the chiefs of indictment of the President, or "Impeachment" in English.

A vote will then be held in plenary session. If his indictment is approved, the Senate, with a Republican majority, will have to organize the " trial " Donald Trump.

Read also To block the impeachment proceedings against Trump, Republican delaying tactics


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