Mardi February 4, when Donald Trump declares before Congress that the state of the Union is excellent, a petomaniac angel playing the trumpet should fly over the democratic benches while the republican camp, confit in devotion, greet its great man. The state of the Union is not very good indeed, it is even appalling.
On January 21, during the first day of the trial for the impeachment of the President of the United States before the Senate, the President of the Supreme Court charged by the Constitution with arbitrating the debates had seen fit to calm some spirits which were heating up in recalling the respect due " at the world's largest deliberative assembly ". Except that the Senate no longer deliberates at all, especially not when it comes to the president. He is not the only one. According to Gallup, nearly 90% of Republicans find Donald Trump great overall, compared to only 7% of Democrats: the gap has never been greater in recent U.S. history.
The institutional smiles that Donald Trump and the speaker (President) House Democrat, Nancy Pelosi, Tuesday night will surely break cold records under cover. The contrast should be striking between Vice President Mike Pence, who will finish the speech with bloody hands and applause, and the elected official from California, seated next to him over the desk behind which the President will speak.
A list of grievances as long as the arm
The list of grievances is already as long as it gets and getting richer every day. On January 29, a ceremony was held at the White House for the final signing of the redesigned free trade agreement with Mexico and Canada. An overwhelming majority of elected officials on both sides supported it, but only Republicans were invited. There is no pettiness.
No elected Democrat had participated in the presentation, the day before, of the plan supposed to rewarm Israelis and Palestinians, unless its real reason was the formalization of an American green light for all possible and imaginable annexations of Palestinian territories. The consensus between Democrats and Republicans on Israel is not yet in intensive care, but it is not going very well either.
The plan was written by the president’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, whose skills stopped at managing the real estate empire created by his father before he arrived at the White House. When the plan was exposed, the 30-year-old claimed experience from " twenty five pounds "On the subject before beating the Palestinians who would blind themselves from" Fairy tales ". In view of the result, we hope that this reading list will be communicated quickly in order to put these books in the pestle as a precaution.