The ban could be taken at the federal level after the death related to the vaping of seven people in the United States.

New York became, on Tuesday, September 17, the second state in the United States, after Michigan, to ban the marketing of flavored electronic cigarettes, accused of encouraging young people to vapot with, in the key, a high risk of dependence on nicotine.
The decision was made in a vote of the New York State Board of Public Health and Health Planning, convened at the request of Democratic governor Andrew Cuomo, who had called for emergency measures on Sunday. It takes effect immediately, even if the controls will not start until two weeks later. What makes New York the first state to implement the measure, Michigan still waiting for the publication of applicable texts.
The ban comes just days after US President Donald Trump announced on September 11 that a similar measure would be taken in the coming months at the federal level. "New York does not wait for the federal government to act"said Cuomo, quoted in a statement.
Sanitary crisis?
"By banning flavored electronic cigarettes, he continued, we are taking a public health measure and helping to prevent countless young people from becoming addicted to life, costly, unhealthy and potentially life-threatening. "
According to figures from the New York State Department of Health, nearly 40% of students in the Vocational Term. Electronic cigarettes are however prohibited for sale to minors in the United States, the age of majority is between 18 and 21 years depending on the state.
In June, the city of San Francisco (California) became the first US city to ban the sale of electronic cigarettes in stores. The ordinance, unanimously adopted by the eleven elected, also banishes their distribution to a local address and their manufacture. It will come into effect at the beginning of 2020.
Apart from the problem of addiction, local and federal policies have been pushed to act by what is now a health crisis.
More than 380 people have recently had serious pulmonary problems after being vaccinated and six have died, according to the latest figures from the Center for Disease Control. Tuesday, a seventh person died in California.
The investigation has not yet determined the precise cause of their deaths, but the emerging assumption is that many of them were consumers of craft liquids or contraband containing tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). , the active substance of cannabis. Different products, therefore, flavored electronic cigarettes banned in the state of New York.