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how the Republican Party weakens American democracy

The Republican Party opposed a sovereign contempt, Tuesday, July 27, to the opening of the work of the parliamentary committee which will examine the assault led on January 6 by supporters of former President Donald Trump against the Capitol, in Washington. This mistrust was not shaken by the testimonies of the police on the front line facing the rioters. It confirms a drift of the Grand Old Party, which feeds an erosion of democratic standards in the United States.

In 2017, the Republican Party refused to endorse baroque accusations of electoral fraud already advanced by Donald Trump. The latter was annoyed to have been left behind by more than 2.8 million votes in the popular vote by his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, yet defeated in many voters. Four years later, the Grand Old Party on the contrary, became the accomplice of the conspiracy theory of a stolen election. Theory maintained with all its might, even today, by the former president, with the support of a mass of faithful.

Poll after poll, a majority of Republican sympathizers continue to believe that Joe Biden’s election was tainted with cheating – despite the absence of any evidence – and that he is an illegitimate president. According to the Morning Consult institute, 28% of them even estimated, in June, that Donald Trump will return to the White House before the end of the year, echoing the claims of the former president reported by the press American, while no provision of the American Constitution makes such a “Resettlement”.

Conspiracy and the stolen election thesis

Even more worrying, according to a survey by the Public Religion Research Institute, a non-partisan Washington think tank, nearly a quarter (23%) of Republican voters subscribe to the central thesis of the QAnon conspiracy movement, namely that “The government, media and financial world in America are controlled by a group of Satan-worshiping pedophiles who run a global child sex trafficking operation”. Even more (28%) believe that “Things got so wrong” in the United States that “True American patriots may have to resort to violence to save [leur] country “.

Article reserved for our subscribers Read also At the sources of QAnon, an Italian far-left collective who would have despite himself inspired the conspiracy theory

The January 6 assault, instead of uniting a country in condemnation of an unprecedented affront to democracy, has turned into a fault line. Twenty-one elected Republicans thus opposed the police officers who then protected them receiving a medal for their service, on the grounds that the text of the resolution designated the rioters as “Insurgents”. One of them even compared the attack to a ” normal tourist visit “.

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