Donald Trump, Bernard Arnault and the Vuitton bags made in Texas

The two men, who met in the real estate business of New York in the 1980s, inaugurated the new manufacturing site of LVMH.

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From left to right, Donald Trump, Michael Burke, Vuitton's French-American boss, Bernard Arnault, CEO of LVMH, Ivanka Trump and Alexandre Arnault, at the Rochambeau Ranch, near Dallas, Texas, Thursday, October 17th.
From left to right, Donald Trump, Michael Burke, Vuitton's French-American boss, Bernard Arnault, CEO of LVMH, Ivanka Trump and Alexandre Arnault, at the Rochambeau Ranch, near Dallas, Texas, Thursday, October 17th. NICHOLAS KAMM / AFP

To get to the ranch of Rochambeau, west of Dallas, to inaugurate a leather goods Louis Vuitton, Bernard Arnault and his son Alexander, on Thursday, October 17, Air Force One, invited by Donald Trump. On board, they did not really have time to talk business. "The American president was very busy. He was managing the crisis of (the Turkish offensive in Syria). We saw him doingsays Bernard Arnault, CEO of LVMH. It was a very strong moment when he told us, "I got a ceasefire." Nobody knew about it. "

And what did President Trump do once the phone was hung up? "He tweeted", reveals Alexandre Arnault. On the site of the Vuitton workshop, we were a little worried, when the information fell, fearing that Donald Trump would be captured by Turkey and forget to boast about this $ 50 million investment ($ 45 million). euros), which has hired some 150 designers, mostly women (1,000 within five years).

Wrongly. The President of the United States said a few words about Turkey, but took the big game for Bernard Arnault by visiting the factory with his daughter Ivanka, his son-in-law Jared Kushner and several of his ministers. "What Bernard is doing is amazing, it's an honor to have him in Texas … You are an artist and a visionary"said Trump, who especially took the opportunity to boast about his own record in employment and the relevance of its trade agreements. Bernard Arnault was honored to be institutionalized with Donald Trump. "We are quite proud that the President of the United States comes in person to inaugurate a Vuitton workshop in Texas. "

Read also LVMH: Bernard Arnault enters "Greta bashing" and "greenwashing"

One of the few foreign bosses to be received by the president-elect

The pact between the two men dates back to January 2017, when the planet is still shocked by the election of Donald Trump. Bernard Arnault is one of the few foreign bosses to be received by the elected president in Manhattan. "I know him a little, I'm not a close friend"said, Thursday, Mr. Arnault. Like Trump, the French was a real estate developer in New York in the early 1980s, crossing the Atlantic after the victory of the left in May 1981. The elected president has a protectionist program, the case does not settle LVMH, whose the United States is the first market.


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