Democrats want to investigate Trump’s ability to govern

Democratic Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi, at the Washington Capitol, Thursday, October 8.

The Democratic President of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi announced, Thursday, October 8, that she would present, Friday, a law to create a commission to investigate the capacities to lead the United States of Donald Trump, convalescent of the Covid-19.

“This law will create the commission on the presidential capacity to exercise the powers and duties related to his functions”, his office said in a statement.

This commission is part of the 25e amendment of the American Constitution, which provides that the president cedes the reins of power to his vice-president if he is no longer in a position to govern, he specifies.

The outcome of this initiative remains very uncertain, Donald Trump enjoying broad support among Republicans, especially in the Senate, of which they control the majority. Its vice-president Mike Pence again firmly defended the management of Donald Trump during the only debate between candidates for the vice-presidency on Wednesday evening.

An item never used before

The 25the amendment, adopted in 1967 after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, specifies the terms of transfer of executive powers in the event of resignation, death, dismissal or temporary incapacity of the tenant of the White House.

According to its article 4, never used before, if the vice-president – supported by a majority of the members of the cabinet or “Of a body which Congress may designate by law” -, informs the heads of the House and the Senate that the president is unable to exercise his functions, the vice-president can immediately assume these functions as interim president.

This “Organization” in this case is the commission wanted by the Democrats. Nancy Pelosi and the author of the bill, House politician Jamie Raskin, will present it at a press conference in Congress on Friday.

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“It’s Nancy la Folle who should be under observation”

“I believe that citizens should know the state of health of the president”, Nancy Pelosi said earlier. “There is a question he refuses” as well as the White House ” respond. When, before he caught the virus and publicly admits it, was his last negative test ” to Covid-19, she had specified.

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That question “Very important” would allow “To judge the initiatives taken subsequently” by the White House, she detailed. Donald Trump, 74, reacted to these statements by cursing Nancy Pelosi, 78, his pet peeve in Congress.

“It’s Nancy la Folle who should be under observation. They don’t call her the Madwoman for nothing! “, he tweeted using the nickname he gave him.

The World with AFP


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