While the Iowa caucus, the first leg of the Democratic nomination contest for the presidential election of November 3, was held on February 3, "Le Monde" launches its campaign logbook. A daily update, first of all five days a week until September, with campaign facts, political advertisements, polls, maps and figures that allow us to follow and experience the most important electoral competition in the world.
Democratic nomination contestants tried to learn from the heated debate on Thursday (February 20th) in Las Vegas, Nevada. The main target of these muscular exchanges, the billionaire Michael Bloomberg, who appeared unprepared for the exercise, released an extract presenting it to his advantage in an attempt to counter this bad publicity.
In this excerpt, he recalls that he created the business himself which made him immensely rich while his opponents remain silent or embarrassed. The extract is however misleading. A montage effectively purposely stretched the silence of its rivals for twenty seconds when in reality it only lasted a second.
To hide his poor performance, the former mayor of New York assured, in a meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah, in preparation for Super Tuesday, March 3, during which he will finally be present on the ballots voting, that the Democrats would commit a " fatal error " if they chose Bernie Sanders to represent them against the Republican president. "The real winner from last night's debate is Donald Trump", he warned. " I agree ! " ironically, on Twitter, the President of the United States, using, once again, the nickname of "Mini Mike" he uses to make fun of Mr. Bloomberg’s average height.

None of his rivals are ready to step aside for his benefit, however. Denouncing, as he had done during the debate, two septuagenarians "Who divide", Pete Buttigieg, the youngest of the race, age 38, sought to land in "Sole candidate" moderate capable of bringing the party together. His campaign team said on Thursday that Bloomberg had "Demonstrated that he could not counter Sanders, let alone Donald Trump".
Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, by far the most offensive against the former mayor, on Wednesday, pushed her advantage on Thursday. "Last night, I had a lot of fun", she launched in Las Vegas. "I’m really fed up with billionaires who think their money can buy them all", like this election, launched the candidate. The senator again called on Michael Bloomberg to release women who have complained in the past about his sexist remarks, the confidentiality agreements made at the time that require them to remain silent. A request that risks pursuing the billionaire during the next debates where it will be present.