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a debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden to relaunch the campaign

As the presidential election on November 3 approaches, The world keeps the campaign log. A daily update, with campaign facts, political advertisements, polls, maps and figures that allow you to follow and experience the most important electoral competition in the world.

Tuesday’s debate between the two main candidates in the November 3 presidential election promises to be the first summit of an election campaign truncated by the coronavirus epidemic. The latter indeed prohibits the giant meetings and the walkabouts that make it daily, even if Donald Trump has embarked on a “tour of the hangars” which allows him to gather smaller crowds than four years ago on the tarmacs of airports in key states in which the presidential election will be played.

The first of three meetings between the two men will be organized at Case Western University in Cleveland, Ohio, after the University of Notre Dame (Indiana) withdrew due to the epidemic. It will last 90 minutes. The audience will be limited to around 90 people, who will be tested for the virus beforehand.

The face-to-face will be refereed by Fox News journalist Chris Wallace, in his seventies like the two candidates, who is among the best interviewers in the American press. He has announced that his role will be voluntarily limited. “ My job is to be as invisible as possible », He declared on Fox News, Sunday. “ I try to get them to engage, to focus on the key issues, to give the people at home an idea of ​​why they are going to vote for one over the other “, He assured. Chris Wallace believes that fact-checking does not fall within the competence of a moderator.

Article reserved for our subscribers Read also President Trump, year IV: face-to-face time

Six themes were chosen which will each be treated for about fifteen minutes. These are the respective reports of the two men, the Supreme Court, due to the appointment of a conservative judge on the eve of the presidential election, the current epidemic, the economic crisis it has caused, racial tensions and the conditions under which the November 3 election will be held. The latter subject has emerged because of the campaign that the outgoing president has been waging for several weeks, in particular against postal voting which should be amplified by the health crisis.

After having presented Joe Biden for months as an old man overwhelmed by events, insinuating that he would fight against senility, Donald Trump seems to have realized that he had played his opponent’s game by limiting expectations. On the contrary, he has endeavored over the last few days to present the latter as particularly well versed in exercise. ” I think I’m the one with the least experience, I’ve only been doing this for a few years, he’s been doing it for over 47 years “, He assured Saturday. He also implied that the Democrat was taking stimulants.

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