a bill in Congress to block the holding of the G7 in a Trump golf

The White House announced Thursday that the next summit of the seven world industrial powers will be held at one of the US President's golf clubs in Florida in June 2020.

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A view from the entrance of Trump National Doral in Miami, Florida, April 2018
A view from the entrance of Trump National Doral in Miami, Florida, April 2018 MICHELE EVE SANDBERG / AFP

Elected Democrats introduced, Friday, October 18, the US Congress a bill to prevent Donald Trump to organize the next summit of the G7 in one of its golf clubs in Florida.

Elected officials baptized their bill "THUG Act", word game between this term meaning "Rogue" in English and an acronym for "Trump's heist undermines the G7" ("Trump's blow hurts G7", in French). The text, presented simultaneously to the House of Representatives and the Senate, aims to block any federal funding for this summit. "Previous G7 Summits Cost Up To $ 40 Million"recall the elected officials in a statement.

Read also The climate will not be on the menu of the G7 in the United States

The Senate, a Republican obstacle

The proposed legislation would also require the transmission to Congress of all documents relating to the manner in which the decision to hold the event was made at that location. The text could be adopted in protest by the Democratic-backed House of Representatives, but is unlikely to cross the Republican-controlled hurdle of the Senate.

Thursday, the White House announced that the next summit of the G7, a major annual meeting that brings together the leaders of the seven most industrialized countries on the planet, will be held at the Trump National Doral Club in Miami, from June 10 to 12, 2020. The announcement sparked very strong reactions in Washington, among both elected officials and civil society.

Donald Trump "Abuses his presidential office and violates the law by redirecting millions of dollars of Americans and money from abroad to his family businesses"said Lois Frankel, one of the elected Democrats in the House of Representatives at the origin of the text.


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