The United Kingdom simultaneously accused Russia on Thursday July 16 of interference in its campaign for the general elections at the end of 2019, and of cyber attacks targeting its research into anti-Covid-19 vaccines and therapies. The country “Calls for an end to the irresponsible cyberattacks of the Russian intelligence services, which have collected information on vaccine developments and research related to Covid-19”, said the Foreign Office, in an approach common with Canada and the United States.
“It is completely unacceptable that the Russian intelligence services are targeting those who are fighting the coronavirus pandemic”, said Dominic Raab, the British foreign minister. “When others pursue selfish interests with irresponsible behavior, the UK and its allies focus on finding a vaccine and protecting health around the world. ”
Hacker targets
According to the UK’s National Cybersecurity Agency (NCSC), pharmaceutical companies and research labs have been targeted by the hacker group APT29 – also known as The Dukes or Cozy Bear – with links “Almost certain” with Russian intelligence. The highly targeted attacks are said to have started at the start of the pandemic and are still ongoing. But no formula – vaccine, therapy – would have been stolen.
Teams from Oxford and Imperial College, London, are conducting intense research, like a dozen others around the world, to arrive as quickly as possible at a vaccine against the coronavirus. “Russia has nothing to do with these attacks, we do not accept such accusations”, reacted Dmitry Peskov, the spokesperson for Vladimir Putin, in the Financial Times, July 16.
he is also “Practically certain” only “Russian actors sought to interfere in the 2019 general elections”, Raab said in a letter to the House of Commons. In question : “Online amplification” government documents “Illegally acquired”. The Minister of Foreign Affairs this time refers to several hundred pages reporting on preliminary discussions between London and Washington at the opening of trade negotiations for a free trade agreement (formal discussions began this spring). The documents were first posted on the Reddit sharing platform, then, “As they attracted little attention, (…) other attempts have been made to [les] promote in the context of general elections ”, added Mr. Raab. “All attempts to interfere in our democratic process are absolutely unacceptable. “
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