![Boris Johnson announces new measures to limit the spread of COVID-19 in a daily press briefing on the coronavirus, March 22.](https://i0.wp.com/magazine.com.co/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/the-ten-days-lost-by-Boris-Johnson-in-the-fight.jpg?w=696&ssl=1)
Thursday March 12. In France, Emmanuel Macron declares that the country faces, with the coronavirus, "The biggest health crisis in a century", and announces the closure of schools. Tensions appear in hospitals in the East and the Paris basin. The Hexagon finally takes the Italian side. But on the other side of the Channel, the British government continues to advocate laissez-faire: the instructions come down to hand washing. "We are four weeks behind other countries", says Patrick Vallance, Boris Johnson's chief scientific advisor.
Monday March 23, the strategy reversal is complete. Schools are closing across the country, pubs and restaurants have been closed the day before yesterday. And the containment of London seems inevitable in the short term, with 281 deaths recorded on March 22.
Sunday March 22, Boris Johnson sent an alarmist message: "We are only two or three weeks behind Italy. Italians have a great health care system, but it has been completely overtaken by demand. Unless you act collectively, (…) it is very likely that our NHS will be exceeded in the same way. " The death toll rose to 281 (48 more in twenty-four hours).
However, the government is announcing only partial containment of the population: 1.5 million vulnerable people will be confined to their homes for at least twelve weeks. Boris Johnson asks them not to go out " under any circumstances ". Groceries and medication will be delivered to your home. For the others, "It is very important that they can continue to exercise in the parks, but they must do it responsibly, otherwise we will go further".
"The government is playing roulette with the public"
Why has the British government not taken advantage of these weeks behind the rest of Europe to learn from the Italian and French cases, better prepare and take more radical decisions? Back on these ten days during which Boris Johnson had to completely review his copy. Ten days lost in the fight against the pandemic, already accuse his many critics.
Prime Minister announces transition to "phase 2" response to coronavirus (containment) on Thursday March 12, and says British people should expect "That many more of their loved ones die". But he just recommend self-containment for seven days for those with symptoms of the disease.