Since the conversion of Piers Morgan (here, May 20), no member of the British government has risked himself on the set of his program.
Since the conversion of Piers Morgan (here, May 20), no member of the British government has risked himself on the set of his program.
He is one of the stars of the British small screen. Piers Morgan, 55, host of “Good Morning Britain” (GMB), ITV's morning show, has abundant hair, a lively gaze and a tall verb, and is never short of pecking at the antenna. More than a pugnacious political journalist, he is a real pit bull. It was vaguely visible before the Covid-19 epidemic: this anti-feminist, self-proclaimed friend of Donald Trump, was a fierce brexiter. Or rather, a staunch opponent of the remainers, those in favor of keeping the United Kingdom in the European Union. "Are you finally going to stop squeaking and accept the result of the referendum? ! " he said, in December 2019, Alastair Campbell, an ex-spin doctor of Tony Blair.
At the end of March, when the Johnson government decided on confinement a good week behind the rest of the big European countries, Piers was still joking: "Coronavirus, the horror: I was just told that I was going to have to do my makeup on my own! ", he tweeted. And then suddenly, there was this change of tone, these serious words, these anxious questions. On March 23, for example: "Now it's up to us to play. We must ALL obey the new laws for our neighbors. Otherwise, people will die, it's that simple. " The next day : "If the coronavirus is so dangerous that the Prime Minister asked everyone to stay home, why is the government continuing to let non-essential workers go to work? It does not mean anything ! "
Massacre game on the air
Since then, it has been a festival, every morning of the week, between 6 a.m. and 9 a.m .: Piers lashes out at the lack of protective equipment, insufficient tests and warns of the fate of residents of retirement homes abandoned to their sad fate. (at least 12,000 dead, according to some estimates). Exit aggression against Meghan Markle, his favorite Turkish head, or against vegetarian sausages from the fast-food chain Greggs: Piers fired 100% Covid. Accurate, documented, he has become one of the staunchest critics of Boris Johnson, the spokesperson for patients, nurses and bus drivers "on the front line" in the face of the virus: "The voice of the Nation", esteem the very left Guardian.
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