David Cameron caught in a lobbying scandal

Screen capture taken during David Cameron's May 13 appearance before a parliamentary commission of inquiry into the “Greensill Affair”.

A wave of texts, emails and phone calls. Between March 5 and June 26, 2020, David Cameron lobbied intensively with his former colleagues in the British government and senior administration. In total, the former British Prime Minister contacted the highest representatives of the State on fifty-six occasions, from the Chancellor of the Exchequer to number two at the Bank of England, including ministers and senior officials. . Objective: to change the rules of emergency loans granted by the State during the pandemic, in order to benefit Greensill Capital, the company for which he worked. And for which he earned a salary “Much higher”, by his own admission, that what he received as prime minister, or about 180,000 euros per year.

Read also David Cameron in the hot seat after the bankruptcy of Greensill Capital

Very discreet since his departure from Downing Street in June 2016 the day after the Brexit victory, Mr. Cameron was summoned Thursday, May 13 before a parliamentary committee to explain himself on this affair. For two hours, by videoconference, his financial motivation, his lack of judgment and his use of the private plane of the company were attacked.

‘Greensill has used you, exploited your reputation and dragged the reputation of the Prime Minister’s Office into the mud,’ Rushanara Ali, Labor MP

“Your reputation is in pieces, attack Rushanara Ali, a Labor MP. Greensill has used you, exploited your reputation and dragged the reputation of the Prime Minister’s Office in the mud. And you have agreed to play the game. It is extremely disappointing. “ MEPs were pleased to be surprised at the signing of a message sent to Tom Scholar, the UK’s Permanent Secretary to the Treasury: “Love, DC” (“I kiss you, DC”). So what is the relationship between the two men, asks a member of Parliament? “I always sign my messages like that”, replied Mr Cameron.

The case would never have been publicized had it not been for Greensill’s resounding bankruptcy in March. Created by Lex Greensill, an Australian living in the United Kingdom for two decades, the firm was a financial institution specializing in factoring (this involves advancing to a company the money that its clients owe it, to facilitate its treasury). But the man claimed to have reinvented the recipe, doing better thanks to new technologies. The truth, now known, is that Greensill multiplied the adventurous loans to poorly creditworthy clients, until the house of cards collapsed.

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