Boris Johnson would be ready to request a postponement of Brexit in Brussels

According to leaked court documents, the British Prime Minister, who promised a Brexit on October 31, whatever the cost, is ready to postpone the divorce with the European Union.

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Boris Johnson, coming out of Downing Street on October 3 in London.
Boris Johnson, coming out of Downing Street on October 3 in London. KIRSTY WIGGLESWORTH / AP

The Scottish courts definitely play tricks on Boris Johnson. In September, it was an opinion of the Edinburgh High Court that led to the resounding decision of the Supreme Court to annul the suspension of Parliament decided by the British Prime Minister. It is still a Scottish court, Friday, October 4, which has trapped his Brexit strategy, after government statements in his possession leaked, proving that Downing Street was ready to postpone divorce with the European Union (EU).

At the beginning of September, Boris Johnson was very shocked in the camp of the remainers, saying he was ready to "To die in a ditch" to realize the Brexit at October 31st. It is now less vehement, but continues to repeat (every day, without exception) that the exit of the EU will take place for Halloween. The political maneuver is clear: he wants to capture a maximum of voters tempted by Nigel Farage's Brexit Party, in the perspective of unavoidable general elections (Mr. Johnson no longer has a majority in the House of Commons).

Read the analysis: Brexit: EU expects more from Boris Johnson

However, a law passed urgently and against his will at the beginning of September by anti-"no deal" deputies forced him to demand a shift from Brexit to later on October 19, if Westminster did not agree to an agreement with Brussels before. Asked many times by MPs, the Prime Minister has so far refused to say explicitly that he would comply with this "Benn Bill", while saying that he "respect(It) the law ".

"You must never believe a man passed by Eton"

In recent weeks, journalists and experts have turned all the scenarios, to try to solve this enigma. Even the most exotic: the Prime Minister would resign, would send Jeremy Corbyn, the leader of the Labor opposition, begging a postponement of Brexit in his place. Or he would invoke exceptional legislation in the name of national security. None of this should happen, according to a testimony of Mr. Johnson before the Scottish court, revealed by a group of anti-Brexit lawyers.

The Prime Minister "Will send a letter" demanding a postponement of the Brexit in Brussels, is it written in the deposition, and he will not try to "Thwart" the "Benn Bill" by asking for example one of the 27 countries of the Union to veto the discrepancy of the divorce … The activists behind this official statement, the lawyer Jo Maugham and the elected Scottish independence party Joanna Cherry, seized the Scottish court in the hope that it formally requires Mr Johnson to comply with the "Benn Bill". It's Mr. Maugham who disclosed Friday excerpts of the statement on Twitter.

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On Friday, the government did not react officially, sources in Downing Street continuing to distil the same rhetoric: "We will not call for Brexit postponement". The remainers still enjoyed the information. "You must never believe a man passed by Eton (establishment of the male elite, where Mr. Johnson was a student) who tells you that he is ready to die in a ditch. For the elite, this fate is always reserved for subordinates », tweeted Paul Mason, activist, journalist and documentary author.

Some brexiters continued to look good. For MP Steve Baker, notorious eurosceptic conservator, "The government will comply with the law. That does not mean we're going to shift the Brexit ". But how? Ripping up an agreement in Brussels? Unlikely, unless Boris Johnson agrees to substantially amend the proposal sent to Europeans on October 2nd. The latter gave him a week, until mid-October, to swallow his hat.

Most likely now, even if in the Brexit country, bets are all especially risky? Mr Johnson claims a Brexit shift in Brussels, while claiming he does not want it, by accusing the remainers, the deputies and the (especially Scottish) judges of depriving the British of Brexit. While crossing the fingers so that this rhetoric pays in the urns.

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