Trip! Israeli public broadcaster KAN 11 thanked one of its star presenters, Lucy Aharish, on Sunday March 22. At 38, this popular figure, the first Arab presenter from a Muslim family to officiate on a large audience channel in Hebrew, had animated the day before, an online demonstration against the Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. Because in times of epidemics, we no longer demonstrate on the streets in Israel, but on Facebook Live … The organizers counted nearly 600,000 connections on Saturday evening. The police did not provide an estimate. Alongside the Darkenu association, which claims to be non-partisan, Lucy Aharish warned of the institutional crisis at the top of the state.
She distributed the floor to former senior officials worried about the emergency measures being taken by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to fight the Covid-19 epidemic without parliamentary control. Former Mossad director Ephraim Halevy was present, as was the former boss of the Shin Bet (homeland security service) Yuval Diskin and former Supreme Court vice president Elyakim Rubinstein. Part of the opposition denounces " a coup ", while Benjamin Netanyahu's allies, a minority since the March 2 legislative elections, have been obstructing parliament for a week. She also criticizes anti-contagion measures decreed in the courts, which resulted in postponing by two months the trial of Benjamin Netanyahu for "corruption, fraud and breach of trust", which was to begin on March 17.
Lucy Aharish spoke on Saturday in defense of the Arab minority, whose deputies (15 elected in the last legislative elections) support the opposition to Benjamin Netanyahu. In return, they are subjected to attacks of incredible violence by the right. Lucy Aharish said she was tired of being silenced, "That(We’re him) asks: “Say thank you and close it. Thank you for the chance to live here and not in another country, where ‘they’d beheaded a long time ago.” " She made it a point of honor to speak also on behalf of other fragile minorities, in this country which continues to tear itself apart from the inside: the mizrahim (Eastern Jews) and those from Ethiopia or the ultra-orthodox. "I choose not to remain silent because a silent and frightened citizen is useless, she said. And I'm not ready to be useless in my country. "