Iran rejects “baseless” G7 accusations

The tanker

Iran was outraged, Saturday, August 7, by statements by G7 foreign ministers, who accused it of being responsible for the deadly attack on an oil tanker off the coast of Oman, perpetrated in the end of July.

“We strongly condemn the baseless accusations by the G7 foreign ministers and the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs in which they made baseless accusations against the Islamic Republic of Iran”Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Said Khatibzadeh said in a statement.

“All available evidence clearly points to Iran”, accused the great powers of the G7 in a joint statement, denouncing a “Deliberate and targeted attack” without “No justification”.

Article reserved for our subscribers Read also Attack on Israeli oil tanker in Oman: Washington blames Iran

American survey

July 29, Mercer-Street, an oil tanker run by a company owned by an Israeli billionaire, was the target of an attack off the coast of Oman, which resulted in the deaths of a British security guard and a Romanian crew member . The United States, the United Kingdom and Israel had very quickly accused Iran, which denied any involvement, amid recurring tensions, attacks and serial sabotage in the waters of the region.

The US Military Command for the Middle East (CentCom) released the results of its investigation on Friday. According to his statement, two trapped drones first missed their target, before a third, “Loaded with explosives for military use”, come and fall on the Mercer-Street. American experts “Were able to recover several pieces of this third drone” and “Concluded, based on evidence”, that he “Had been made in Iran”, adds the CentCom.

In the eyes of Iranian Brigadier General Abolfazl Shekarchi, quoted by the official IRNA news agency, “The Americans say they found parts of Iranian drones in the water, and that’s their proof. But which laboratory determined that [les drones] belong to Iran? “, he asked. The soldier denounces “The Americans’ method of weaving stories and using them to accuse Iran”.

The World with AFP


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