While access to the Internet is restored in the country, gradually reveal the magnitude and intensity of the backlash of power, unprecedented by its violence and speed.
The massive protest in Iran caused by the rising price of gasoline and the threatening claims for the regime was muted in a few days, in blood and terror and virtually unwitnessed.
The authorities of the Islamic Republic have cracked down, with access to the Internet having been almost completely blocked in the country. They are now shouting victory against a "Plot" hatched abroad. "A real world war against the system and the revolution was born and fortunately the child is stillborn", thus proclaimed, Thursday, November 21, the general Salar Abnouch, a dignitary of the bassiji, the militia of the volunteers proregime, at the point of the repression.
While these triumphalist and vengeful speeches settle down, that progressively, the access to the networks is reestablished, reveal little by little the scale and the intensity of the return of stick of the power, unpublished by its violence and its speed.
The videos and testimonies that filtered painfully for a week already evoked scenes of war in some cities and regions of the country with live ammunition in addition to images of blocked roads, banks and public buildings burned.
Additional testimonies collected by the World, confirm the violence of the reaction of the security services. One protester described, from a predominantly Kurdish town in the west of the country, three days of continuous shooting from 15 November and the deployment, in addition to police forces, of Basiji militiamen as well as members of security guards. revolution, safe backbone of the diet.
The security services also faced violent attacks from their opponents. Near Tehran, a doctor told World that his only hospital had received six dead bodies, one of which was shot dead by a militia and one of the guardsmen shot dead. The others were protesters between the ages of 18 and 20.
"The decision to kill has become a state policy"
On Saturday, the human rights organization Amnesty International reported a provisional record of more than 150 verified deaths. His previous count, reporting 106 victims, was dismissed by the Iranian authorities as part of a misinformation campaign. More than a thousand people were also arrested.
"Excessive use of force is usual (in Iran) faced with popular challenges. But the high number of deaths in such a short time suggests that the decision to kill, in the face of mobilizations hostile to the system, has become a state policy ", says Raha Bahraini of Amnesty International.