Donald Trump chooses appeasement with Iran without answering the reasons for the escalation

Donald Trump on his arrival at the press conference on Wednesday January 8 on Iran.
Donald Trump on his arrival at the press conference on Wednesday January 8 on Iran. Alex Brandon / AP

Donald Trump immediately put an end to the escalation on Wednesday, January 8, which had led to the assassination of Iranian General Ghassem Soleimani, killed in Baghdad by a drone strike, and then to Iranian strikes against US positions in Iraq on Tuesday. Like Tehran, a few hours earlier, the President of the United States claimed victory by highlighting the absence of American losses and judging that " Iran seems to be shrinking ". " It's a good thing for all concerned and a very good thing for the world ", he added.

He noted that Washington’s deterrence capacity had been restored by the removal of an abruptly promoted dignitary to the rank of " world number one terrorist ". " The United States is ready for peace with all who want it "He concluded after saying that his country did not want to use the military tool, which it had extolled for a few minutes earlier. He did not answer any questions from the press.

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The moderate tone of the President of the United States has contrasted with the threats that have been agitated in recent days. Sunday, he had assured on his Twitter account that "If Iran hits an American person or target, the United States would respond quickly and completely, and perhaps disproportionately ". This is precisely what happened with these Iranian missile launches targeting American bases, claimed by Tehran.

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On Wednesday, surrounded by his main security advisers, the vice-president, Mike Pence, the secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, and the defense minister, Mark Esper, Donald Trump was not limited to this very observation. victory staff. Silent until now on the file at the origin of an escalation led for several months, the Iranian nuclear program, target of a policy of "maximum pressure" which led the Iranian regime to multiply the provocations in the region, he devoted a good part of his speech to him.

On this point, the tone has not changed. The President of the United States, who began his intervention, even before welcoming the audience, with the commitment that " as long as(he will be) president, Iran will never get nuclear "Once again painted a devastating picture of the agreement reached in 2015 by his Democratic predecessor, Barack Obama. He repeated several untruths on the subject and assured that the supposed weakness of the previous administration had comforted Iran in an aggressive stance against regional allies in Washington.


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