William Barr releases Donald Trump on his accusations of fraud during the presidential election

Attorney General William Barr and Donald Trump, September 1, 2020 at Air Force Base Andrews, Maryland.

Setbacks continue to pile up for Donald Trump. Tuesday 1er December, his own Minister of Justice, William Barr, dealt a severe blow to the charge of massive electoral fraud which, according to the President of the United States, justifies his refusal to admit his defeat in the presidential election to Democrat Joe Biden . ” At this point, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could change the outcome of the election. », Assured the Attorney General of the United States in an interview with the Associated Press.

William Barr specifically attacked the attacks conveyed by Donald Trump about a vote counting system. “There have been allegations of systematic fraud, according to which machines have been programmed to distort election results”, said Barr, but his services like those of the Department of Homeland Security have investigated and, so far, have found nothing to support them . On November 17, the President of the United States sacked the head of his administration responsible for election cybersecurity, Christopher Krebs, who had publicly assured that the November 3 elections had been ” safest in American history .

Read also What is Dominion, the electoral software attacked by Donald Trump?

The president’s lawyers protested in a press release. ” With all due respect to the attorney general, his opinion appears to be devoid of knowledge and investigation of material irregularities and evidence of systemic fraud Jenna Ellis and Rudy Giuliani said. Elected officials close to the president, Matt Gaetz, representative of Florida, and Ron Johnson, senator from Wisconsin, also expressed their disappointment.

Bad mood

The judgment expressed by William Barr slices all the more so as the latter has been particularly loyal to Donald Trump since taking office in 2019, defending the principle of a reinforced presidency. The attorney general has also spoken twice in favor of those close to the president struggling with justice, Roger Stone and Michael Flynn.

Donald Trump, however, expressed his bad humor vis-à-vis his minister, judged ” missing in action In an interview with Fox News on Sunday in which he reiterated his attacks on the election after a series of stinging defeats. On the same day, the vote-recounting operations requested by the president’s team in two Wisconsin counties, costing $ 3 million, resulted in the gain of 87 votes for Joe Biden. Supreme Court appeals are being initiated or contemplated over another state, Pennsylvania, after devastating failures to a federal appeals court and state Supreme Court.

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