A new incriminating factor was added on Thursday morning to the Ukrainian case that shakes Washington. The director of intelligence displays his "support" to the whistleblower.
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When US Acting National Intelligence Director Joseph Maguire, a former Special Forces, took his place in front of the House of Representatives Intelligence Committee on Thursday morning, 26 September, a new incriminating element was already added to the Ukrainian case that shakes Washington.
Moments earlier, indeed, the House had made public, almost all, the report of a whistleblower claiming that the White House would have tried to keep secret a potentially embarrassing phone conversation between Donald Trump and his counterpart Ukrainian Volodymyr Zelensky held on 25 July. In this discussion, the US president had called for the investigation of the family of one of his political opponents, Joe Biden, a candidate for the Democratic nomination for 2020.
The report was initially received in August by Inspector General of National Intelligence, Michael Atkinson, appointed by Donald Trump in 2018. The latter had ruled legitimate transmission to Congress before the process was blocked by Joseph Maguire, after consultation with the department of Justice.
"Prudence" and concern to respect the rules
Before the elected officials, the acting director justified by the " caution And the concern to respect the rules its refusal to immediately transfer the alert to the Congress. He put forward the same arguments when he was questioned about his approach, considered suspect by the Democrats, to turn initially for advice to the White House legal advisers, then to the Justice Department, while some like the other were implicated, in various ways, by the whistleblower's report. "These are the tools that are at my disposal"he defended himself.
Urged by questions aimed on the contrary to question the credibility of the alert by the Republican elected officials, the Acting Director of National Intelligence has repeatedly expressed his "Support for the whistleblower", who did "What he had to do", just like the Inspector General. "They acted in good faith all along. I have every reason to believe that they did everything according to the rules and that they followed the law "added Joseph Maguire, who refused to comment on the merits of the whistleblower's letter, which he assured he did not know.