What assessment for Joe Biden, 100 days after his arrival at the White House? Ask your questions to our correspondent in the United States

After a plan to revive the economy in the face of the Covid-19 epidemic (1,500 billion euros) and another dedicated to infrastructure (1,900 billion), Joe Biden announced, during his first speech to the Congress Wednesday April 28, a new federal commitment of nearly 1.5 trillion euros centered around education and the family.

Supported by public opinion on the eve of the first 100 days of his mandate, the 46e President, aged 78, thus initiates a historic turning point by reaffirming the role occupied by the federal state in the United States. By insisting, moreover, on his support for the middle classes, whose feeling of downgrading was one of the factors of the arrival of Donald Trump to power, Joe Biden multiplies the left markers for his start of the presidency, also focused on the climate and a diplomatic return to multilateralism.

The correspondent of World in Washington, Gilles Paris, will answer your questions at 3:30 p.m. on the challenges ahead for the Democratic administration: a republican opposition that leaves little room for bipartisan cooperation in particular, in a tense social context around racial issues and the gun control debate.

Our articles to read

The editorial of the “World”. Joe Biden, worker president

Decryption. With its plan for families, major social advances

Story. A historic battle against inequalities

Chronicles. Articles by Gilles Paris on Joe Biden’s first 100 days at the White House


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