The United States is considering adopting economic sanctions against Russia for its growing support for the regime of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, a senior US official said on Monday January 6. "We are closely studying the role of Russia and we are not going to allow the level of support that we have seen in recent times without reacting", said the US Special Representative for Venezuela, Elliot Abrams.
The United States adopted a series of sanctions against Venezuela following the re-election in 2018 of Mr. Maduro in a presidential election denounced as fraudulent. Mr. Abrams, who did not detail the nature of the sanctions "Contemplated against entities and individuals", said the United States is closely monitoring Russia's role in Venezuela.
According to him, Russia is mainly interested in "The oil economy" of Venezuela, as the Maduro regime has shown increasing dependence on Moscow since last year. "Russian companies now operate more than two-thirds, more than 70% of Venezuelan oil", he said. “So the role of Russia is increasing in importance. "
Support from Russia and Cuba
Abrams admitted that Washington had underestimated the support received by Nicolas Maduro from Russia and Cuba, saying that the two countries had sent thousands of intelligence agents to Venezuela. Cuban and Russian assistance "Is, I believe, the most important pillar of support for the regime, without which it would not be there, he added.
Maduro "There are only Russia, Cuba, China and some bizarre dictatorships around the world, but it is losing support not only from the right and the center but also from the left in Latin America", also pointed out Mr. Abrams.
The United States congratulated opposition leader Juan Guaido on Sunday for his re-election as head of the Venezuelan Parliament by opposition politicians, while a rival also claims the chair of this House. Mr. Maduro immediately recognized this rival candidate, Luis Parra, delighted that Juan Guaido was "Ousted".