Under an apocalypse sky, California battles dozens of giant fires

San Francisco was relieved to notice, Thursday, September 10, that the sky had returned to a “normal” color. That, at least, to which she must have got used since that night of August 16, when lightning struck northern California more than 14,000 times and caused hundreds of fires to start. A shade never very defined, between fog and sandstorm – in reality ash, which accumulates on the windshields of cars, a legacy of mega-fires that have been burning for weeks hundreds of kilometers from the bay.

The orange was gone in the sky, but, oddly enough, the pungent smell that irritated the throat had returned. Wednesday, an apocalyptic day, between red and black, the sun did not rise until noon, but for once the air did not smell of burning. The inhabitants had gone out to photograph “the eclipse”, not really reassured by the official explanations: “The smoke particles reflect blue light and only allow yellow, orange and red rays to pass through”, explained the agency responsible for air quality.

On Ocean Beach, a group of young people are overworking, indifferent to the sudden drop in temperatures. On September 6, it was 37.7 ° C, a historic high in a city generally bathed by cold Pacific currents; Forty-eight hours later, it was only 16 ° C under the Golden Gate Bridge. “The sun’s rays are blocked by the smoke”, the agency explained.

An increased risk of respiratory infections

Thursday the air was declared again “Unhealthy” – for the twenty-third day. “Vulnerable” populations, asthmatics and children, were once again invited to stay indoors, windows sealed. “The layer of smoke is descending towards the surface, which considerably deteriorates the air quality and risks triggering a public health crisis”, warned Daniel Swain, climatologist at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA). The Centers for Disease Detection and Prevention (CDC), the federal health authority, have warned of an increased risk of respiratory infections, including Covid-19. He recommended wearing the N95 mask, rather than cloth masks, while admitting that it is “Only available to healthcare professionals”.

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