Trudeau's rival forced to justify his dual nationality

Conservative candidate Andrew Scheer, the main rival of incumbent Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, announced on Friday, measures on firearms.

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Conservative candidate Andrew Scheer in Dartmouth on October 3rd.
Conservative candidate Andrew Scheer in Dartmouth on October 3rd. Jonathan Hayward / AP

A new rebound in the campaign for the Canadian legislative elections. Conservative candidate Andrew Scheer, who announced gun action on Friday (October 4th), was again forced to justify his dual Canada-US citizenship, which was only revealed on Thursday.

In the early evening, his party also announced that it had expelled from its ranks a British Columbia candidate, Heather Leung, who had made homophobic remarks several years ago. "News media recently uncovered offensive remarks by Mme Leung saying that "the homosexuals are recruiting" children, and describing the sexual orientation of the LGBTQ community as "perversely"Says the party in a statement. The Conservative Party has no tolerance for such offensive comments. "

Read also Canada: In case of victory over Justin Trudeau, Conservatives want to cut international aid

Conservatives and Liberals are knee-jerk

This episode has closed another tough day for incumbent Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's rival, as Conservatives and Liberals stand shoulder-to-shoulder in the three-week voting intentions of the October 21 legislative elections.

Mr. Scheer had confirmed the day before, a daily information Globe and Mail revealing that he had dual Canadian and American citizenship, the latter inherited from his father born in the United States. "It does not matter to Canadians to have dual citizenship. There are millions of Canadians whose parents are born in either countryhe defended himself. Everyone who knows my family knows that my father was born in the United States. "

Mr. Scheer went on to explain that he had never had his passport renewed as an adult and that after taking the Conservative leadership in 2017, he formally asked to give up his American citizenship.

Justin Trudeau jumped at the opportunity to criticize his rival. " VSshould not disqualify you, but you have to be honest when you apply for the premiership of 37 million Canadians. "he reacted at a press point.

Read also Canada: Trudeau announces dissolution of Commons, kicks off legislative elections


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