Canada's Liberal prime minister, who is running for Monday's election, has a controversial record, particularly on the climate.
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The last straight was difficult. After four years in office, outgoing Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau knows that the latest polls are giving him a knee-jerk interview with his Conservative rival, Andrew Scheer, who was unknown only a few months ago. The dashing head of government, born on Christmas day in 1971 and son of the flamboyant Pierre Elliott Trudeau, himself Prime Minister for fifteen years, knows that the surprise effect of his victory in 2015 has largely faded. He had no trouble turning the page of the austere Stephen Harper and embodying the renewal of a country by proclaiming "Canada is back" must now defend his record in the federal election, Monday, October 21.
Admittedly, this one is rather flattering in economic matter. In front of his public, during the last campaign meetings, in the center and the west of the country, he kept reminding us that the growth was going rather well, that 1.2 million new net jobs were created, that the Canada child benefit has been reassessed, unemployment is low – the rate is 5.7%, close to its lowest level in at least 40 years – and investments have lifted 900,000 people out of poverty. misery.
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According to a team of researchers at Laval University, led by professors from the Department of Political Science Lisa Birch and François Pétry, the Trudeau government made 77.9% of the promises made by its Liberal Party in 2015. Of the 353 promises were compiled, 91 were still in progress or partially completed (7.1%), and 25 had not been kept (15%). Above all, the head of the government has introduced measures that are difficult to pass in the eyes of a segment of the public, such as the legalization of recreational cannabis or the reception of 40,000 Syrian refugees, more than United States neighbors.
Promises not realized by the government are among the most symbolic
The problem, pointed out many specialists, is that the promises not realized by his government are among the most symbolic. In terms of climate change, Canada is still far from achieving its repeated objectives since the signing of the Paris agreement, concluded at the COP21, in December 2015. What annoying part of the young electorate who had massively voted for Justin Trudeau.