the revolutionary temptation of the septuagenarian

US President Joe Biden answers questions from reporters upon his arrival at New Castle (Delaware) airport on March 26.

VS‘is understood, unlike Ronald Reagan, Joe Biden is not a “Great communicator”. His first press conference, Thursday, March 25, held the formality to which we resign ourselves because we have to, because we have to, because that’s how it is. After an hour, as she began to find her cruising speed, the president also launched: “Alright, guys, I’m going, thank you! “, and he turned on his heels.

In the previous minutes, Joe Biden had been the comedian’s Joe Biden Dana carvey, who deliciously imitates his language tics. There had been the “Here is the deal” (here is the situation), the announcement of a response in several parts (“Number one …”) in which he often gets lost on the way, the joke ben-here-there (“When I came to the United States Senate 120 years ago …”), and the inescapable mention of the Biden family.

The Americans escaped father and mother this time around, but not the great-grandfather’s journey from Ireland. The ancestor had been requisitioned to explain that migrants from Central America do not rush to the border with Mexico because the president is “A nice guy”, but because they are fleeing appalling living conditions.

Article reserved for our subscribers Read also Joe Biden stages his applied presidency of the United States

Always underestimated

An appearance of Biden of always, therefore, which serves prodigiously the person concerned, because he is always underestimated. This debonair and benevolent appearance, however, masks a revolutionary temptation on the part of the oldest president of the United States. It has already been materialized by the gigantic support plan adopted at the beginning of the month, and it will be relaunched on Wednesday March 31 by the presentation of a massive investment project piloted by the federal state. This time it is hidden under the innocent and vague formula of an infrastructure modernization plan.

The stakes are high, even if it will take months and months to know if Joe Biden will achieve his ends and especially if he will meet the support of his fellow citizens. The addition of these initiatives can indeed potentially signify the end of the conservative revolution initiated in 1957 by Ayn Rand’s novel, Atlas Shrugged, a radical critique of state interventionism, which in January 1981 had led Ronald Reagan to decree that the government was not ” the solution “, But ” the problem “. The Democrats had recorded their ideological defeat by subsequently playing on the margins without questioning this assumption.

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