“The repeal of Obamacare would be seen as unfair by the American population”

Tribune. Appeal judge and professor of law at the Catholic University of Notre-Dame, South Bend (Indiana), Amy Coney Barrett has been chosen by Donald Trump to succeed Ruth Bader Ginsburg [décédée le 18 septembre] as a judge of the Supreme Court of the United States. Senate hearings will begin on October 12.

Barring unforeseen circumstances, his appointment should be confirmed by the Senate. Mitch McConnell, Republican Majority Leader in the Senate, said on October 2 that he wanted ” hasten “ the confirmation process. And this despite the Covid-19 epidemic which is raging in the very heart of the Senate and the White House. Wrongly described as “Liberal” by Donald Trump in the first presidential debate, Barrett is in every way the antithesis of Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

His positions on the Affordable Care Act (ACA) [la loi sur les soins abordables, surnommée « Obamacare », promulguée par le président Barack Obama, le 23 mars 2010] and access to abortion are worrying and more to the right than those of her conservative counterparts, Justices John Roberts, Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh. A practicing Catholic opposed to abortion, Barrett wants to question the feminist heritage of the one she will occupy. Its aim, she said, is to use the law for religious purposes to restore the “Kingdom of God” on earth…


In terms of health, Amy Coney Barrett is in favor of the repeal of Obamacare. Some 27 million Americans could lose their health coverage, bringing the number of uninsured individuals to 51 million by 2026. Full or partial invalidation of the Affordable Care Act would also be disruptive for the health care system and individuals with chronic illnesses.

The organization of care has evolved significantly since 2010, with the introduction of Accountable Care Organizations and procedures for streamlining care. ACA is the main legal basis for these innovations. Its repeal would permanently disrupt the health system, in a context marked by the Covid-19 epidemic which, according to figures from the beginning of October, claimed the lives of more than 208,300 Americans.

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Obamacare is now popular in the United States. Donald Trump was unable to impose its abolition by legislative means, despite some successes, including the cancellation of the fine provided for in the absence of an “individual mandate” (individual insurance contract). Its repeal by a court made up of nine unelected judges – three of whom were appointed by Donald Trump (Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and potentially Barrett), himself president elected by a college of large voters without having won the popular vote in 2016 -, would be seen as unfair by the American people.

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