Tabata Amaral, political renovation in "sham"

MP Tabata Amaral during an interview with the Brazilian Congress, April 17, 2017.
MP Tabata Amaral during an interview with the Brazilian Congress, April 17, 2017. EVARISTO SA / AFP

MP Tabata Amaral of the Labor Democratic Party (PDT, left) had only half an hour to devote to us, "So busy is his media agenda", had warned his press officer. But with a very accelerated flow, the young woman of 26 years manages to say a lot, in a perfectly articulated speech, sliding figures and references to support ideas that she always presents as "Deep convictions".

The one who was chosen among the 100 personalities of the year by the magazine Time and the 100 most influential women by the BBC made himself known to the general public during a confrontation with the Minister of Education in a parliamentary committee in April. The member, who had promised during her campaign to make a "New policy", do not take gloves to challenge Ricardo Velez Rodriguez: "You have been in your job for three months. It is not possible to present a PowerPoint with two or three wishes. Where are the projects? Goals ? In three months, we can really do better. So either you change your attitude, or you resign. " A week later, the 76-year-old minister, who had accumulated blunders, left his ministry.

On social networks, Tabata Amaral then became the muse of the left, compared by the press to the representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in the United States, while Brazil discovered its atypical journey: from a very poor environment of the periphery of Sao Paulo, she obtained a scholarship of the Harvard university in astrophysics, then in political sciences, by winning, very young, competitions of excellence in mathematics. To all the microphones, Tabata repeated that Brazil needs "A real political renovation: more young people and women, and really professionally trained". A speech that appeals enormously, while the crisis of confidence in politics is breaking records in the country.

In favor of pension reform

Three months later, however, she swung from her base to the left; she is taxed with "Traitor" and violently attacked on the same social networks for having voted in favor of the pension reform of President Jair Bolsonaro, opposing the instructions given by his party but following a decision taken within the Acredito movement ("I believe"). This structure, as well as foundations such as RenovaBr ("Renews Brazil"), the Political Action Network for Sustainability (RAPS) and Agora ("Now"), recently emerged and is funded by the elite of country. They all contribute to the rise of a growing number of politicians, including Tabata Amaral.


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