In Nicaragua, the regime of Daniel Ortega meets the determination of the protesters

A banned demonstration, hardly contained by the regime, was Saturday to denounce the double speech of the government, which denies repeated violations of human rights.

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Saturday, September 21 in Managua.
Saturday, September 21 in Managua. OSWALDO RIVAS / REUTERS

The standoff continues in Nicaragua between the president, Daniel Ortega, and his opponents. Shields in hand, hundreds of riot police prevented, Saturday, September 21, dozens of demonstrators from parade through the streets of Managua, to demand the departure of the former Sandinista guerilla. A blockage by force without succeeding in stopping the mobilization while the authoritarian regime rejects the assistance of the international community to try to escape a deadly political crisis that drags on.

" Dictatorship no, democracy if! Chanted on Saturday, the protesters gathered in small groups in four different locations south of the capital. Mobilizations organized at the call of the opposition coalition, National Blue and White Unity (UNAB), formed against Mr. Ortega in power since 2007 after having governed from 1979 to 1990. Enclosed by important police devices, protesters could not join to form the procession planned initially. No clashes or arrests were reported, although two protesters were slightly injured by stunning grenades launched by the police.

A year and a half of mobilization

Called "Nada esta normal" (nothing is normal), the march announced by UNAB was aimed at challenging the dual discourse of the government which rejects the repeated violations of human rights, denounced by the opposition. " The government blocked the march but not our rallies, welcomed the local media Edwin Carcache, one of the leaders of the student movement. Especially sinceMajor police deployment has contradicted the image of normality that the government has sought to impose for months. The crackdown has left at least 325 dead and more than 2,000 wounded since the start of a popular revolt.

The four meeting points, set on Saturday by UNAB, were all located near the symbolic location of a first demonstration, on April 18, 2018, against a reform of social security that has turned into a national insurgency movement against Mr. Ortega. Its opponents denounce its "nepotist and corrupt regime Formed with his wife and vice president, Rosario Murillo. Almost a year and a half later, the protesters still claim "the end of a police state of terror", "the liberation of 135 political prisoners", "justice for the victims", "the democratization of the country", "Security guarantees for the return of exiles (more than 80,000)", an "electoral reform" for "early elections".


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