In Ecuador, indigenous movement rejects President Lenin Moreno's offer of dialogue

The country's main indigenous organization said it will negotiate with the government when the decree abolishing fuel subsidies will be repealed.

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A protester throwing a fiery projectile in Quito on Friday 11 October.
A protester throwing a fiery projectile in Quito on Friday 11 October. IVAN ALVARADO / REUTERS

After a resurgence of violence between demonstrators and police in Quito, Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno advocates discussion. "I make a call to the leaders (of the event) to talk directly with mesaid Friday, October 11, the head of state in a short televised address. It is essential to bring down the violence. (…) The country must know that we have the will to dialogue. "

An offer rejected by the main indigenous organization of Ecuador. "The dialogue he promotes lacks credibility", said the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (Conaie) in a statement, which requires the maintenance of fuel subsidies. She added that she would only negotiate with the government once "That will be repealed" the decree suppressing fuel subsidies. "The dialogue that the national government says it promotes is based on one of the worst massacres in the history of Ecuador. "

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1st October, President Lenin Moreno, a socialist-elected liberal, announced that he was ceasing to subsidize the cheapest and most used fuels under an agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which provides $ 4.2 billion in aid for reforms. An announcement that has aroused the anger of the population, which has since manifested.

United States support

On Friday, on the outskirts of Parliament where anti-riot vehicles were deployed, hooded men, sheltering behind planks, threw homemade stones and rockets at the police with shouts of murderers ". Police responded with tear gas, Agence France Presse (AFP) journalists said. On Friday, road blocks were reported in seventeen out of twenty-four provinces, according to the authorities.

Meanwhile, a thousand Amazonian Indians, armed with spears, arrived Friday in Quito to join the mobilization in the capital. A "Another group is coming"AFA spokeswoman Apawki Castro told AFP. "Here, we violate human rights"said, angry, Marlon Vargas, a leader of these communities, in a video broadcast by the organization.

Five civilians, including an indigenous leader, have died since the protests began ten days ago, and nearly 2,000 people have been injured, according to a report from the office of the Public Defender of the People.

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Washington on Friday expressed support for "Efforts of President Moreno and the Government of Ecuador to institutionalize democratic practices and implement the necessary economic reforms"according to a statement from Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.


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