Elizabeth Warren gives up without lining up behind Bernie Sanders

Elizabeth Warren speaks to the media outside her home in Cambridge, Massachusetts on March 5.
Elizabeth Warren speaks to the media outside her home in Cambridge, Massachusetts on March 5. STEVEN SENNE / AP

Elizabeth Warren will not be the first woman elected president of the United States in 2020. The Massachusetts senator, after a series of very disappointing results, including in her own state, decided to give up on Thursday March 5 the race for the democratic nomination. The glass ceiling, which Hillary Clinton ran into in 2016, will hold another presidential election.

It cost the senator to admit that she would not be able to keep that promise. "One of the most difficult things about all of this is what will happen to all these 'promised pinkies' ("promised sworn") " promises made, ear linked, with her youngest supporters, she said, very moved. "All these little girls will have to wait another four years, it will be hard"added Elizabeth Warren.

Elizabeth Warren made a "promised, sworn" pact with Ming'Le Planter, 6, in Charleston (South Carolina), on February 14.
Elizabeth Warren made a "promised, sworn" pact with Ming'Le Planter, 6, in Charleston (South Carolina), on February 14. MATT ROURKE / AP

After a difficult start linked to a controversy over its partly Native American origins, Elizabeth Warren's campaign had found its cruising speed thanks to a robust program which she had managed to translate into short slogans. "I have a plan for that", could she answer for each file. She argued in favor of "Major structural changes", including its tax on large fortunes which planned to levy two cents on each dollar beyond 50 million dollars (about 45 million euros), to finance generous social programs.

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At the beginning of October, his progression in voting intentions, supported by a proven ability to collect campaign donations, had made him a short-lived favorite, especially since his rival on the left, Bernie Sanders, was weakened by a heart attack. The senator's procrastination over funding a universal health protection program, however, tarnished her credibility, to the benefit of the senator from Vermont.

Elizabeth Warren's ambition was to pull the Democrats as far as possible from the left, without going so far as to present herself as a "Socialist democrat", the label claimed by Bernie Sanders, who is not a member of the party whose nomination he is seeking. The senator, however, was caught between his resilience and the unlikely comeback of former vice president Joe Biden, who defends more moderate positions.

It continued after an initial alert in New Hampshire on February 10, hoping to become a compromise candidate in the event that no candidate obtains the majority of delegates necessary to be nominated. After balking at it, she attacked Bernie Sanders in the final days of her campaign. It is "A senator who has good ideas but whose thirty years of experience show that he constantly demands things that he fails to obtain, and who always opposes things that he fails to stop ", she said at a meeting in Houston, Texas.


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