Distanced, Donald Trump stages his recovery

President Donald Trump, on the balcony of the White House, upon his return from hospital on October 5.

A president who defeated the Covid-19 in record time and already in business, impatient to do battle again with his Democratic opponent, Joe Biden: this is the image that Donald Trump continued to feed on Tuesday, October 6 after his spectacular return to the White House the day before at the end of the day.

When he got off the presidential helicopter that brought him back from the Walter-Reed military hospital, where he had spent three days after the announcement of his contamination by Covid-19, Donald Trump had climbed the stairs side of the house, facing the south lawn, to pose for the photographers on the balcony of the first floor. His thumbs raised, removing the mask he had provided, as if by challenge, he had remained like this for a few seconds before disappearing inside the house, without a word for the journalists present. A few moments later, a video with the strong effects of this return was posted on his Twitter account.

Article reserved for our subscribers Read also Donald Trump’s health: the optimism displayed by the White House undermined by erratic communication

On Tuesday, the president again used his favorite channel as a megaphone as he remained invisible throughout the day. He defended a soothing approach to the Covid-19 sketched out the day before, when he had invited his fellow citizens not to have any “Fear”. “Don’t let him rule your life. We have developed very good medicine and knowledge under the Trump administration. I feel better than twenty years ago ”, had plastered the president.

The White House doctor assured Tuesday, in a brief statement, that Donald Trump was not presenting “No symptoms” of disease. The president continued to downplay the lethality of the virus, insisting, against all evidence, in a post on Twitter that the flu is much more dangerous in his opinion. “Are we going to close our country? “, he asked of the seasonal flu. “No, we have learned to live with it, just like we learn to live with the Covid, which is much less deadly in most populations !!! “, he asserted. “The media Fake News (…) only want to talk about Covid-19 ”, he lamented.

Twitter immediately clarified that this message had “Infringed [ses] rules regarding the dissemination of misleading and potentially dangerous information related to ‘ to disease. The social network Facebook did the same. After having affirmed, in capital letters, ” I FEEL GOOD “, Donald Trump has made an appointment with Joe Biden at the next presidential debate scheduled for October 15.

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