Have they only instilled the tiniest of doubts? After three days of indictment, Friday, January 24, the seven Democratic delegates who came to the Senate to defend the articles of impeachment against Donald Trump, voted on December 18, 2019 by the House of Representatives, could legitimately ask the question.
By denouncing an abuse of power and an obstruction of Congress, they knew that it was unimaginable that twenty Republican senators join the Democrats in removing the President of the United States. On the other hand, they hoped to be able to shake their certainties enough to obtain at least the hearing of additional witnesses, taking advantage of the powers of the Senate which the House of Representatives does not have.
Lack of new elements
This calculation, which will be decided early next week by a vote, seemed similarly compromised in light of the impavid comments delivered by Republican senators during the interruptions of the session. And this, in spite of the double language which consists, for the latter, in deploring the absence of new elements while opposing the fact that the latter may arise.
It's not for lack of trying. Methodically, by citing the same extracts from hearings or the same words publicly held by Donald Trump, broadcast ad libitally within the precincts of the Senate, the team of Democrats tried to build an indestructible edifice of facts for each of the two articles, the abuse of power throughout Thursday's session, then the filibuster on Friday, going into great detail about the Ukrainian affair.
The latter was triggered by the revelation of a market submitted by Donald Trump in the summer of 2019 to his Ukrainian counterpart, Volodymyr Zelensky. Freshly elected, the latter had been ordered to initiate investigations against the political opponents of the President of the United States, in order to obtain the release of crucial military aid and an invitation to the White House.
Adam Schiff, the President's bane
During these three days of indictment, before Donald Trump's lawyers took their turn, Saturday and Monday, a special role was reserved for the leader of the Democrats, the representative of California Adam Schiff, the President's bane , who keeps insulting him on his Twitter account. Tirelessly, the president of the Chamber's intelligence committee put this dismissal trial in perspective, constantly reminding him of what was at stake for American institutions.