In Brasilia, it is known by its code name: "Zero Two", but also by a nickname, "Pitbull". Carlos, the second son of Brazil's head of state, Jair Bolsonaro, is undoubtedly the most influential member of the siblings.
It is he, at only 36, who drives without hiding his father's social networks, which he has all the access codes. Carlos is considered the great architect of the surprise victory of the right-wing candidate in the 2018 presidential election, obtained thanks to an aggressive strategy on Twitter and Facebook, and by the massive distribution of "fake news" especially on WhatsApp. .
Like Jair, he likes nothing more than clashes. Like him, he is the victim of bloodshed and likes to pose in manly postures, weapon in hand, on social networks. Carlos has a Twitter account, followed by 1 million subscribers (against 5.4 million for his father), on which he has never hesitated to publicly carry out the attack against his many opponents.
His "posts" are often insulting (particularly to the left or feminist movements), sometimes indecipherable (as when he tweets a series of animal emojis, without further explanation). Recently, he has also upset his closest followers by comparing his father to the character of Thanos, "supervilain" of the film, using mediocre montages. Avengers Marvel Studios.
But Carlos can also use Twitter to get his way. This year, he has already hung two scalps to his collection, obtaining in February the departure of the Secretary General of the Presidency, Gustavo Bebianno, he accused on the same social network of falsehood, then in June that of General Carlos Alberto dos Santos Cruz, secretary of the government, forced to leave his post, following a violent campaign launched against him on social networks … And presumably led by Carlos.
Forced to apologize
Aged 36, "Carluxo" is far from being a newcomer in politics. Trained in aeronautical science, he was elected in 2000, just 17 years old, city councilor of Rio de Janeiro, where he is currently completing his fifth term. In two decades, like Jair, his battle horses have changed little: lowering the age of criminal majority and increased police resources.
But Carlos stumbles sometimes. In early September, after having tweeted unexpectedly that "By democratic means, the transformation desired by Brazil will not take place at the speed we desire," the latter is pulled up the suspenders by the vice president himself, Hamilton Mourao, who replies that " (the democracy) is fundamental » and represents one of the «Pillars of western civilization ". Worse: three weeks ago, the "Pitbull" was forced to apologize, admitting to having published a post on the paternal Twitter, without the endorsement of it.