American elections 2020: Fox News is no longer as Trumpist as in 2016

Protesters gather outside the Fox News headquarters in Washington DC after the presidential election on November 4.

At 8 p.m. Friday, November 6, Joe Biden was expected to proclaim his victory. Too early, the count not being sufficiently advanced, the American media, in particular the Associated Press (AP), had not chosen the winner.

So we fell back on Tucker Carlson, the man furthest to the right of the conservative chain Fox News, who began his “monologue” each evening. The man, who lives in the parallel world of the Trumpists-ultra, however had a sense of reality: he de facto recorded the victory of Joe Biden. “Who is Joe Biden, the man who claims to be president?” We really do not know “, accused Tucker, suing a non-campaign.

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“Biden won the Democratic primary because he wasn’t Bernie Sanders [le sénateur progressiste du Vermont]. Biden is where he is today because he is not Donald Trump ”, Carlson continued, criticizing the Democratic candidate for being a “Hologram” in the hand “Coastal elites and tech billionaires” that would force all Americans to drink Starbucks coffee. Thus, Fox News seemed to have gone into the next fight, the defense of freedom of expression under the Democratic regime and the expected revenge for the midterm elections in 2022.

Then, at 9 p.m., Sean Hannity, the big Fox News star and confidant of Donald Trump, was still fighting, reinvigorated by a decision by the United States Supreme Court to isolate the ballots received in Pennsylavanie after November 3. “We, the People, deserve better”, Hannity lamented, criticizing the slowness of the count and the media populace. The heart was no longer there.

Independence from the White House

In the United States, on Friday, it was the race to be the first to announce the defeat of Donald Trump. In this case, Fox News, a channel owned by Australian magnate Robert Murdoch, had many hesitations. Friday morning, shortly after 9 am, she “flipped” on her Nevada card, giving Joe Biden stack 270 grand voters; implicitly, it thus announces the victory of the Democrat, before changing its mind: it puts the State, where the city of Las Vegas is located, in the open races; with 264 voters, Joe Biden must wait.

However, we have to admit that Fox News has been the most offensive of the American media. From the night of the election, the favorite channel of the American conservatives is distinguished by its independence vis-à-vis the White House.

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