Sudan kicks off women's football league

This championship, which includes 21 clubs, is a first in this country led for nearly thirty years by General Omar al-Bashir until his dismissal in April.

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Sudanese Sports Minister Wala Essam congratulates the players of the Tahadi club in the first match of the women's football championship in Khartoum on September 30, 2019.
Sudanese Sports Minister Wala Essam congratulates the players of the Tahadi club in the first match of the women's football championship in Khartoum on September 30, 2019. ASHRAF SHAZLY / AFP

The first women's football championship in Sudan's history began on Monday (September 30th) with a match at the Khartoum stadium, warmly applauded by fans as well as diplomats, according to an AFP journalist. This first match was between the Tahadi and Difaa clubs in the capital's stadium. The cities of Madani (east), Al-Obeid (center) and Kadugli (south) will also host matches.

"Civil power, civil power", chanted the crowd at the beginning of the meeting, while others shouted "Kandaka, Kandaka", in reference to the Nubian queens who have marked the history of the region in ancient times. This women's league, which includes 21 clubs, is a first in this country led for nearly thirty years by General Omar al-Bashir, who came to power thanks to a coup supported by the Islamists, until his dismissal under the street pressure, April 11th.

Read also Sudan launches women's football championship

Following an agreement reached in August between the army, which took power after the fall of al-Bashir, and the leaders of the protest, Sudan has seen the establishment of transitional institutions towards a civil power. The military-led, civilian-led Sovereign Council, which oversees the transition, includes two women.

A "dream" that becomes reality

"It's a historic meeting, not just for women's sport but for the whole of Sudan"said sports minister Wala Essam, who attended the match alongside Sudanese and foreign diplomats. "We will pay specific attention to women's sport and women's football"she added.

After the match, the players let their joy explode, claiming that this moment would have been unimaginable a year ago. "Before the revolution in Sudan, my plan was to go abroad to play, but now I can play in my homeland"says Asma Abubakr, dressed in the green jersey of the Tahadi team. For Juan Essam, from the Difaa club, it's a "Dream" which becomes reality. "What happened today is just fantasticshe adds, moved. For the first time, I played in a stadium. It was my dream. "

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Measures to liberalize society are expected from the transitional period of a little over three years in which the country is committed, particularly with regard to freedom of expression and gender equality, but also in sport and the arts. A member of FIFA since 1948 and co-founder of the African Cup of Nations (CAN) with Egypt, Ethiopia and South Africa, Sudan is far from being a pioneer on the continent. women's football, hampered by the adoption of sharia law (Islamic law) in 1983.


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