What is pizza in German?

Translation of pizza in German

English German
the pizza die Pizza


How do you say coffee in German?

How do you say goodbye in German Formal?

Your standard, formal version of goodbye in German is Auf Wiedersehen.

What is the most popular food in Germany?

Top 10 Traditional German Foods

  • Brot & Brötchen.
  • Käsespätzle.
  • Currywurst.
  • Kartoffelpuffer & Bratkartoffeln.
  • Rouladen.
  • Schnitzel.
  • Eintopf.
  • Sauerbraten.

How do you compliment food in German?

Hopefully, though, you’ll want to compliment the chef and say things like:

  1. Der Eintopf schmeckt lecker. – The stew is tasty.
  2. Der Eintopf schmeckt sehr lecker. – The stew is very tasty.
  3. Der Eintopf schmeckt so lecker. – The stew is so tasty.
  4. Das Eis schmeckt total lecker. – The ice cream is completely/ so delicious.

How do you flirt in German?

Every country has its own unique way of flirting. In some countries, it’s more straightforward while in other countries it’s subtle.


German English
Du siehst einfach umwerfend aus! You simply look stunning
Ich möchte immer bei dir sein! I want to be with you forever!

• Jan 7, 2021

How do you say beautiful girls in German?

beautiful girl: Schnuckelchen; schönes Mädchen.

How do you say eat in Germany?

Essen (to eat)

Can I have a beer please German? Simply say: Ich hätte gern ein Weißbier, bitte. (Don’t forget to throw in your new favorite word “bitte” at the end of the phrase – here it means “please”.)

How do you order food in German?

How do you call a waiter in Germany?

It is somewhat traditional to say “Herr Ober” (Mr. Waiter). To get the attention of a waitress, “Fräulein” (Miss) is acceptable, although it should be noted that the term Fräulein, a diminutive of Frau (woman), is rarely used these days and some believe it doesn’t recognize a woman’s full autonomy.

What is black coffee called in Germany?

Schwarzkaffee/Americano (black coffee) Milchkaffee (coffee with hot milk)

What is a macchiato in Germany?

It is a coffee beverage prepared by adding espresso to foamed milk, and true coffee nerds like to pour the espresso in gently, so it floats between the liquid milk below and the frothed milk above.

What is a German pub called?

The term Kneipe typically refers to a pub that does not serve hot food, which is the predominant rule for pubs in German-speaking Europe. Pubs that do serve hot food are more likely to be referred to as Wirtschaft or Lokal, although they may also be called Kneipe.

What is a volksmarch in Germany? Volksmarching (from German “Volksmarsch”, people’s march) is a form of non-competitive fitness walking that developed in Europe in the mid-late 1960s. By 1968, the International Federation of Popular Sports (better known as the “IVV”) was formed by Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein and Switzerland.

Do Germans eat cake everyday? In Germany, You Eat Cake Every Day.

What is a Café Crème in Germany? Caffè crema (Italian: “cream coffee”) refers to two different coffee drinks: An old name for espresso (1940s and 1950s). A long espresso drink served primarily in Germany, Switzerland and Austria and northern Italy (1980s onwards), along the Italian/Swiss and Italian/Austrian border.

How do you ask for a cappuccino in German?

How do you say macchiato in German?

Do Germans say Tschuss?

Tschüss is a simple German goodbye that can be used in any context, formal or informal. It’s like saying “Bye!” The word tschüss is one of the most widely used expressions to say goodbye in all German speaking countries.

How do you respond to Guten Morgen in German?

“Guten Morgen” and ask how the person is doing. in German we say “wie geht es dir/Ihnen?” dir (said in informal) and Ihnen (formal way). the same person will respond you he’s fine and you? (mir geht es gut, und dir/Ihnen?) That’s how you can start the conversation.

What do Germans say when they want their guests to leave?

Tschau and ciao work both as a greeting and as a goodbye, while adieu and ade are reserved for goodbyes only. Tschau is a popular goodbye in Berlin, so if you’re in town it might be good to have it in your back pocket!

What is Germany’s national dish?

A popular German dish is Sauerbraten and is considered one of the country’s national dishes. It is essentially a German pot roast and is made with beef, veal or venison as the main meat. Traditional sauerbraten was prepared using horse meat.

What is a traditional German meal?

Check out our list of 20 traditional German dishes that you need to try when you travel there.

  1. Königsberger klopse.
  2. Maultaschen.
  3. Labskaus.
  4. Sausages.
  5. Currywurst.
  6. Döner kebab.
  7. Schnitzel.
  8. Käsespätzle.

Why is German food so bland? Germany does have good food but a lot of it is surprisingly bland. From a young age the German palate is adapted to enjoy the simple flavors of salt, wurst (sausage) and breadcrumbs, shunning anything too sweet, too spicy or too complex.

What is Kaffeetrinken?

German term or phrase: Kaffeetrinken. English translation: afternoon coffee.


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