What is 2 tripled?

If you triple the number two, you get six, and six is the triple of the number two. In triple, you see tri which means three..

How can I get 3/4 cup?

One egg is the same size and equals about ¼ of a cup. Three eggs would equal ¾ of a cup. In addition, the size of a tennis ball is approximately ½ cup, so a tennis ball and an egg would make ¾ of a cup, too.

What does x3 mean in math?

In the language of algebra, x3 (read “x to the third power”) means “x multiplied by itself three times”, or x · x · x. To find the value of real numbers raised to exponents, just multiply the large number attached to the exponent (called the base) by itself the indicated number of times.

What is half of1 3 cup?

1/3 cup equals 5 tablespoons plus 1 teaspoon so, half of 1/3 cup would be 2 tablespoons plus 2 teaspoons.

What’s half of 3/4 cup in cups?

Technically, since 1/4 cup equals 4 Tablespoons, then we know 3/4 cups equals 12 Tablespoons. This means that half of 3/4 cup is 6 Tablespoons. This is the same as 1/4 cup PLUS 2 Tablespoons. If you don’t want to dirty even more measuring cups and spoons, I will often use 1/3 cup as half of 3/4 cup.

What is a 4th of a cup?

1/4 cup = 4 tablespoons. 1/3 cup = 5 tablespoons + 1 teaspoon.

What is half of ¾?

Half of 3/4 is 3/8.

What is 0.375 as a fraction in simplest form?

Answer: 0.375 expressed as a fraction in simplest form is equal to 3 / 8. Let’s look into the solution in detail. Explanation: 0.375 has three numbers after the decimal so, we will multiply and divide 0.375 by 1000.

What is half of 2 2/3 cups of flour? Download Chart

Original Amount Half the Amount One-Third the Amount
2/3 cup 1/3 cup 3 tbsp+ 1-1/2 tsp
1/2 cup 1/4 cup 2 tbsp + 2 tsp
1/3 cup 2 tbsp + 2 tsp 1 tbsp + 1-1/4 tsp
1/4 cup 2 tbsp 1 tbsp + 1 tsp

• Dec 27, 2021

What is triple triple?

Triple-triple definition

(Scrabble) A word that covers two word counts triple squares, so that the overall value of the letters is multiplied by nine.

What is the double of 3/4 cup?

3/4 cup doubled = 1 1/2 cups

In other words, we filled it up to 1 1/2, which is two times 3/4.

What’s after quintuple?

The term originated as an abstraction of the sequence: single, couple/double, triple, quadruple, quintuple, sextuple, septuple, octuple, , n‑tuple, , where the prefixes are taken from the Latin names of the numerals.

How do you make a triple-double?

A triple-double in basketball occurs when a player scores ten or more in three different categories, including points, rebounds, steals, assists, and blocked shots.

What is half of 3 and 3/4 cups of flour?

1 Expert Answer

You need half of three and three fourths cups of flour. Convert that mixed numeral to am improper fraction, 15/4. “Half of” means multiply by one half: (1/2)(15/4).

What is 1 3 doubled in a recipe? 1/3 cup doubled = 2/3 cup

In other words, we filled it up to 2/3, which is two times 1/3.

How do you double measurements? Simply take the original recipe and multiply all of the ingredients by two. This will give you the measurements for the doubled recipe. For example, if a recipe calls for 1/2 cup of sugar then you would use 1 cup of sugar when doubling the recipe.

What is half of 2/3 cup in fraction form? Download Chart

Original Amount Half the Amount One-Third the Amount
2/3 cup 1/3 cup 3 tbsp+ 1-1/2 tsp
1/2 cup 1/4 cup 2 tbsp + 2 tsp
1/3 cup 2 tbsp + 2 tsp 1 tbsp + 1-1/4 tsp
1/4 cup 2 tbsp 1 tbsp + 1 tsp

• Dec 27, 2021

How do you triple something?

When you triple something, you multiply it by 3.

What is a double triple-double?

double triple double (dub’-ul trip’-ul dub’-ul) noun. A feat in which a basketball player accumulates a number total of at least 20 in any three statistical categories during a single game.

What are examples of triples?

Triple is defined as three times as much, or a hit in baseball where the player gets to third base. An example of triple is when a person earns $300 instead of their regular fee of $100. An example of a triple is a hit that gets the hitter one base away from home plate.

What does triple in size mean?

If something is triple the amount or size of another thing, it is three times as large.

What is triple called in English?

Definition of triple (Entry 3 of 3) 1 : being three times as great or as many. 2 : having or involving three units or members triple bypass heart surgery. 3 : having a threefold relation or character worked as a double or even triple agent — Time.

Who invented cube root?

The Greek mathematician Hero of Alexandria devised a method for calculating cube roots in the 1st century CE. His formula is again mentioned by Eutokios in a commentary on Archimedes.

How do you say Power 4?

How do you write 4 cubed? Learning Cube Numbers

  1. Cubed. = 1 3 = 1 × 1 x 1. =
  2. Cubed. = 2 3 = 2 × 2 x 2. =
  3. Cubed. = 3 3 = 3 × 3 x 3. =
  4. Cubed. = 4 3 = 4 × 4 x 4. =
  5. Cubed. = 5 3 = 5 × 5 x 5. = 125.
  6. Cubed. = 6 3 = 6 × 6 x 6. = 216.
  7. Cubed. = 7 3 = 7 × 7 x 7. = 343.
  8. Cubed. = 8 3 = 8 × 8 x 8. = 512.


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