What can I do with too much asparagus?

Here are nearly a dozen of our favorite asparagus recipes.

  1. Quick and Easy Asparagus. Alison Bickel. …
  2. Creamy Asparagus Soup. Elise Bauer. …
  3. Ham and Asparagus Strata. …
  4. Creamy Chicken and Asparagus Pasta. …
  5. Sheet Pan Shrimp and Asparagus. …
  6. Oven-Roasted Salmon, Asparagus and New Potatoes. …
  7. Asparagus Frittata. …
  8. Spring Minestrone Soup.


What is the best way to store fresh asparagus?

Asparagus tastes best when cooked the day you buy it. If that’s not in the cards, store them as you would store cut flowers: Trim the bottoms and stand the spears up in a glass or jar with about an inch of water. Cover with a plastic bag then refrigerate them for up to 4 days.

Can asparagus be freeze dried?

Shelf-Life: Freeze Dried Asparagus will store for 5 to 10 years in a sealed #10 can (oxygen absorber included) under ideal storage conditions (cool, dry place). Instructions: Add 3 parts water to 1 part asparagus. Allow Freeze Dried Asparagus to hydrate for about 20 minutes or until fully rehydrated.

Is frozen asparagus as good as fresh?

This is a common question, and the answer may surprise you: frozen veggies are just as healthy (if not healthier) than fresh ones! What is this? They’re actually flash frozen at their peak freshness.

What part of asparagus is poisonous?

Like the rhubarb, the part of the asparagus plant that we love – the young stems – are perfectly safe to eat. But the asparagus hides a deceptive, nasty secret: Its fruit, which are bright red berries, are toxic to humans.

Can asparagus be vacuum sealed and frozen?

Yes, you can vacuum seal and freeze fresh asparagus to make it last longer.

Does asparagus cleanse your kidneys?

Asparagus can act as a natural diuretic, according to a 2010 study published in the West Indian Medical Journal. This can help rid the body of excess salt and fluid, making it especially good for people suffering from edema and high blood pressure. It also helps flush out toxins in kidneys and prevent kidney stones.

Do you eat the top of the asparagus?

You can eat the whole spear except for the woody stem towards the bottom. Hold the asparagus spear on each end firmly. Gently bend the asparagus so that it bows out away from you. Keep bending until the asparagus snaps.

What spice goes well with asparagus? Asparagus can be steamed, roasted, grilled, broiled, boiled, blanched, dried or pickled. Combines well with: garlic, lemon juice, nutmeg, honey. Fine herbs: rosemary, basil, dill, marjoram, Mediterranean oregano, thyme, cilantro, etc.

What are the disadvantages of eating asparagus?

However, eating asparagus can also have some side effects: Because of its high fiber content, asparagus can cause flatulence, stomach cramps, and gastric upset in some people. Asparagus contains asparagusic acid that may break down to sulfurous compounds and lend a funny smell to your urine.

How long does asparagus last in the freezer?

How long does asparagus last?

In the refrigerator In the freezer
Fresh asparagus expires in… 1 week 1 year
Cooke asparagus expires in… 3-5 days 10-12 months

Aug 22, 2019

What does asparagus do to your poop?

Asparagus is particularly high in insoluble fiber, which adds bulk to stool and supports regular bowel movements. It also contains a small amount of soluble fiber, which dissolves in water and forms a gel-like substance in the digestive tract.

What is the healthiest way to eat asparagus?

Try adding shredded, raw asparagus to pasta dishes and salads. Alternatively, enjoy the spears lightly steamed or sautéed in a frittata, or as a stand-alone side dish. Asparagus is a nutritious choice, regardless of whether it’s cooked or raw. Try eating a combination of the two for maximum health benefits.

Can you vacuum seal and freeze asparagus?

So to combat your fresh asparagus from going bad, vacuum seal and freeze them. Vacuum sealing your fresh vegetables will remove oxygen from the bag and prevent oxygen from seeping into them, which ultimately slows down the respiration process.

How do I blanch asparagus? In a large saucepan, bring 8 cups water to a boil. Season with 2 tablespoons coarse salt, and add asparagus; boil until tender, 3 to 4 minutes (depending on thickness). Remove with tongs, or drain in a colander, and immediately transfer to ice water for 1 minute to stop the cooking process.

How do you store asparagus long term? For long term (up to 5 days) storage:

Tent it with a clean plastic bag and use the rubber band to loosely secure it, making sure that the spears have enough room for air circulation. Place it in the refrigerator for up to 5 days, making sure to change out the water if it starts to look cloudy.

Who should not eat asparagus?

10 Side Effects Of Asparagus

  • Might Experience A Dry Mouth.
  • Bowel Mobility May Suffer A Setback.
  • Foul Smelling Urine.
  • Not Safe For People Having Edema Conditions.
  • Could Develop Allergies To Asparagus.
  • May Cause Flatulence.
  • Not Safe For Those On Anti-Hypertensive Drugs.
  • Sudden Weight Loss.

Is it OK to eat a whole bunch of asparagus?

“There are no life-threatening side effects of eating too much asparagus,” said Flores, “but there may be some uncomfortable side effects such as gas, and a noticeable smell to the urine.” It is also possible to have an asparagus allergy, in which case you should not eat it, she said.

Why does my pee stink when I eat asparagus?

When asparagus is digested, asparagusic acid gets broken down into sulfur containing byproducts. Sulfur, in general, is not very pleasant to smell, notes Dr. Bobart. When you pee, the sulfur byproducts evaporate almost immediately, causing you to smell that unpleasant scent.

How do you blanch asparagus?

In a large saucepan, bring 8 cups water to a boil. Season with 2 tablespoons coarse salt, and add asparagus; boil until tender, 3 to 4 minutes (depending on thickness). Remove with tongs, or drain in a colander, and immediately transfer to ice water for 1 minute to stop the cooking process.

Do you need to blanch vegetables before freeze drying?

Blanch your veggies before freezing, drying, or freeze drying. Blanching vegetables is an essential step in food preservation to ensure that your produce retains its color, texture, vitamins and flavor during storage. Don’t skip this essential step when you preserve vegetables at home.

How do I dry asparagus?

Arrange blanched asparagus in single layers on drying trays. Dry at 140 degrees F (60°C) in an oven or dehydrator . If necessary, turn large pieces over every 3 to 4 hours during the drying period.

Drying Asparagus.

Below 5,000 ft. 5,000 ft. and above
3 1/2- 4 1/2 minutes 4 1/2- 5 1/2 minutes

Does freezing asparagus make it mushy?

A stalk of asparagus is 93 percent water. When that water freezes, it creates large ice crystals that puncture the cell walls that provide the structure of the vegetable, and the result is the watery, mushy texture you experienced.

Can you vacuum pack and freeze asparagus? So to combat your fresh asparagus from going bad, vacuum seal and freeze them. Vacuum sealing your fresh vegetables will remove oxygen from the bag and prevent oxygen from seeping into them, which ultimately slows down the respiration process.


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