Can bearded dragons eat kale everyday?

It shouldn’t be fed every day, but a few times a week or every other week if you’re worried should be perfectly fine. Goitrogens. Dragon Keepers also worry about kale because it does contain goitrogens, which are substances that can negatively impact a dragon’s thyroid..

What greens can bearded dragons eat everyday?

Best Greens Bearded Dragons Can Eat: Daily Staples

  • Cactus pad, or prickly pear (2.3 to 1). This desert delicacy is high in calcium and rich in antioxidants, fiber, and Vitamin C.
  • Collard greens (14.5 to 1).
  • Dandelion leaves (2.8 to 1).
  • Endive or escarole (1.9 to 1).
  • Mustard greens (2.4 to 1).
  • Turnip greens (4.5 to 1).

Can bearded dragons eat zucchini?

Bearded dragons can eat raw zucchini. Although you can serve them cooked food, bearded dragons really do not need to eat cooked zucchini, since cooking does deplete the already relatively low nutritional value. Plus, out in the wild bearded dragons would be eating raw vegetation anyway, so they are used to it.

What is the best vegetable for bearded dragons?

Acceptable vegetables that should represent a high percentage of the diet include collard greens, beet greens, mustard greens, broccoli, turnip greens, alfalfa hay or chow, bok choy, kale, parsley, Swiss chard, watercress, clover, red or green cabbage, savory, cilantro, kohlrabi, bell peppers, green beans, escarole,

What vegetables can bearded dragons not eat?

Avoid vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, and romaine as too much can be harmful, or they offer limited nutritional value. Bearded dragons will also eat fruits like apples, strawberries, watermelon, and peaches. Aside from delicious fruits and vegetables, dragons will eat just about any insect that moves.

What is a bearded dragons favorite food?

The most popular live food for Bearded Dragons are crickets and meal worms. You can find them in most pet stores.

Can a bearded dragon have peanut butter?

Bearded dragons cannot eat peanut butter as it is too high in protein added sugars and fats. Rather than taking a chance, avoid peanut butter completely to ensure your dragon remains healthy.

Can bearded dragons eat watermelon?

Bearded dragons can eat watermelon rarely, as a treat.

Watermelon in particular is not very nutrient dense for dragons, so it’s less beneficial than some other fruits that offer a little more substance.

Can bearded dragons eat kale? Acceptable vegetables that should represent a high percentage of the diet include collard greens, beet greens, mustard greens, broccoli, turnip greens, alfalfa hay or chow, bok choy, kale, parsley, Swiss chard, watercress, clover, red or green cabbage, savory, cilantro, kohlrabi, bell peppers, green beans, escarole,

Can bearded dragons eat cucumbers?

Bearded dragons can have cucumbers every other week or so.

96% water, making it a great source of hydration especially if your bearded dragon is dehydrated. Fiber, which prevents constipation. Vitamin C, which fortifies your dragon’s immune system, vision, reproduction, and growth.

Can Beardies eat tomatoes?

Tomatoes are actually part of the nightshade family. Their stems, leaves, flowers, and vines all contain alkaloids, which are extremely poisonous. Definitely do not give any of these to your beardie!

Can Beardies eat bell peppers?

Bearded dragons can eat bell peppers a few times a week or less. Bearded dragons can get the following nutrients from bell peppers: Antioxidants, which prevent inflammation, strengthen the immune system, and aid digestion. Vitamins A and C, which boost the immune system, vision, reproduction, and growth.

Can bearded dragon eat scrambled eggs?

Bearded dragons can safely eat scrambled eggs.

They can also eat hard boiled eggs. Just remember these pointers: Adult bearded dragons should eat no more than half an egg at a time, max. If you’re scrambling the egg, don’t mix any additional ingredients with it.

Can bearded dragons eat basil?

Herbs should be a part of your bearded dragons’ diet, as they offer an array of nutrients not available in other foods. Some herbs are not good to give your beardie, but is basil okay to eat? The answer is yes, these lizards are okay to eat basil. Beardies need a variety of foods to survive and thrive.

Can bearded dragons eat tuna? Bearded dragons should not eat fish.

That means cooked, raw, feeders, all of it.

Can bearded dragons have peanut butter? Bearded dragons cannot eat peanut butter as it is too high in protein added sugars and fats. Rather than taking a chance, avoid peanut butter completely to ensure your dragon remains healthy.

Can bearded dragons eat celery?

There are a handful of vegetables that are considered safe for your bearded dragon to eat including, bell peppers, cabbage, carrots, celery, kale, and asparagus. The list is as many as 50 different vegetables that can be consumed by your dragon to give them the nutrition they need.

Can bearded dragons eat tomatoes?

So you may be wondering if you can share this veggie-like fruit with your reptile friend. Can bearded dragons eat tomatoes? As is the case for many fruits, the answer is qualified. Yes, bearded dragons can safely eat tomatoesbut only a small amount served once a month.

Can bearded dragons eat avocado?

So the fat in avocados definitely makes this food a very unwise and unnecessary choice for your bearded dragon’s diet. Lots of oxalic acid. Avocados are also high in oxalic acid (you may have also heard it called oxalates).

Can bearded dragons eat cabbage?

Bearded dragons can eat green cabbage once a week, or every other depending on what other goitrogenic food may be on their feeding schedule. Green cabbage makes a great addition to a salad, maybe topped with some Dubia roaches.

What is the best salad for bearded dragons?

If you are going to make your dragon a salad, you could opt for arugula, kale, and collard greens instead of a romaine lettuce spring mix. Your beardie will enjoy more nutrients in the same amount of food. The other reason that romaine is not a great staple green for bearded dragons—it’s not rich in calcium.

What should a bearded dragon eat daily?

Young bearded dragons are omnivorous (approximately 50% insects and 50% plant matter). As they mature, they will eat more vegetables and transition to mostly herbivorous (approximately 90% plant matter). Insects – Feed gut-loaded insects (crickets or dubia roaches) 1x daily.

What fresh vegetables can bearded dragons eat?

What Vegetables Can Bearded Dragons Eat?

  • Cabbage.
  • Carrots.
  • Collard Greens.
  • Kale.
  • Pumpkin.
  • Sweet Potato.
  • Tomatoes.

What foods are poisonous to bearded dragons? What not to feed Bearded Dragons – 21 foods that can be toxic

  • Onions and Chives. Onions, raw or cooked, should not be fed to bearded dragons.
  • Mushrooms. Mushrooms contain high phosphorus and acidic content and can be toxic to bearded dragons among ingestion.
  • Leeks.
  • Garlic.
  • Rhubarb.
  • Avocados.
  • Eggplants.
  • Iceberg lettuce.


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