Where did Zach Tyler Eisen go to high school?

Biographical information. Eisen was born in Stamford, Connecticut, in 1993 and attended Westhill High School. He was active as an actor and voice actor until 2008, and subsequently attended Syracuse University from 2011 to 2015, majoring in Television-Radio-Film at the S.I.

Then, Who is the voice of Katara?

Mae Whitman — Katara

But did you also know Whitman played Rose/Huntsgirl in American Dragon: Jake Long, which meant she and actor Dante Basco worked together on two animated series concurrently.

simply so, Did Katara get a new voice?

The character, created by Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko, is voiced by Mae Whitman in the original series and Eva Marie Saint in the sequel series. In addition to this, she was played by Nicola Peltz in the 2010 live action film The Last Airbender.

Who did Sokka marry? 10 Did Sokka Get Married? Sokka is one of the few members in Team Avatar to seemingly have no children, so it’s unclear if he ever was (or stayed) romantic with anyone. As far as fans know, he was last seen with Suki, the pairing had yet to break up.

How old is jet in Avatar?

Based on the context clues in his first appearance in Avatar, Jet is likely sixteen years old. Canonically, Katara’s age fourteen, Sokka is fifteen, and Aang is twelve – biologically and emotionally.

Is Katara older than Sokka?

Sokka. Katara with her brother, Sokka. Sokka is Katara’s older brother, with an age difference of two years.

Are Sokka and Katara indigenous?

Katara, born and raised in the Southern Water Tribe by her grandmother, Kanna, alongside her older brother Sokka, and is the daughter of Chief Hakoda and Kya. During her childhood, Katara was the last native of the South Pole still living there who was capable of waterbending.

Who is Suki Avatar?

Suki was the leader of one of the Kyoshi Warrior bands of the Earth Kingdom’s Kyoshi Island. … When Team Avatar arrived on Kyoshi Island, Suki and a few other Kyoshi Warriors captured them, thinking they were Fire Nation spies, but released them and befriended them after realizing Aang was the Avatar.

Is varrick Sokka’s son?

When respected members of the community gather at the beginning of season 2 to discuss rebellion against Unalaq, Varrick is invited and listened to as a respected member of the tribe. Again, Varrick’s confirmed southern heritage doesn’t prove he’s Sokka’s son by any means, but it does make it possible.

Who is Zuko wife?

Zukos wife is Mai.

Who was Katara’s first kiss?

According to Avatar Extras, Jet was Katara’s first kiss, but they never kissed on screen.

What age is Azula?

Azula. That’s right, Azula is only 14 throughout the entire series, which might be surprising to some. This also means there’s a two year age difference between her and older brother Zuko.

Is there a war in Ba Sing Se?

“There is no war in Ba Sing Se,” is a quote out of Avatar: The Last Airbender that really stuck in the minds of fans. It was a state of denial of the largest Earth Kingdom City and is remembered just by how disturbing it was that important worldly information was just swept under the rug.

What ethnicity would Katara be?

“uhh, friendly reminder that katara is an inuit character, indigenous to northern canada, alaska, greenland etc. so casting an asian would be a form of erasure, and indigenous actors are underrepresented as it is,” one user tweeted. “The water tribes are inspired by Inuit culture and geography location.

Did Katara like Zuko?

Katara and Zuko’s chemistry invited fans to ship the two as a couple, but they never became romantically involved. … In season 2, when Katara began to trust Zuko within the Crystal Catacombs, Zuko betrays her and helps Azula attack and mortally wound Aang.

Is katara an Eskimo?

“uhh, friendly reminder that katara is an inuit character, indigenous to northern canada, alaska, greenland etc. … “The water tribes are inspired by Inuit culture and geography location.

What nationality is Toph?

Toph has been blind since birth, but due to her extensive earthbending skills, she can locate objects and their movements by sensing their vibrations in the earth around her.

Toph Beifong
Nationality Earth Kingdom
Bending element Earthbending
Age 12 in Avatar: The Last Airbender 86 in The Legend of Korra

Are Inuit Canadian citizens?

June 21, 2021—Ottawa—Canada’s Oath of Citizenship is more than words. … As of today, Canada’s Oath of Citizenship officially recognizes First Nations, Inuit and Métis, and the obligation that all citizens have to uphold the treaties between the Crown and Indigenous nations.

Is Avatar a Kyoshi?

Kyoshi was the Earth Kingdom-born Avatar immediately succeeding Avatar Kuruk of the Northern Water Tribe, and preceding Avatar Roku of the Fire Nation. … She was also not recognized as Avatar until she was sixteen; instead, her friend Yun was declared the Avatar.

Who is the Avatar after Korra?

Book One: Jimu

A brief summary is given on what happened to Korra and Republic City after the show ended. Jimu, the Avatar after Korra, comes out of hiding after 4 years and realizes how much destruction Shi has caused.

Is Appa dead in the Legend of Korra?

Although Appa’s fate is not explained in Avatar: The Legend of Korra, it’s likely that he died at the same time as Aang. … Although it is sad to think they are both dead in The Legend of Korra, it’s comforting to know they are together in the Spirit World, much like Fang and Roku remain united.


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