What is the first post of IAS?

Career progression. At the beginning of their career, IAS officers receive district training with their home cadres followed by their first posting. Their initial role is as a assistant collector cum sub-district magistrate and they are placed in charge of a district sub-division.

What is the salary of IAS?

The basic per month salary of an IAS officer starts at Rs.

IAS Officer Salary – 7th Pay Commission.

Level Basic Pay Total IAS Salary
Entry-level (starting salary) 56100 56100 – 132000
Maximum Pay (cabinet secretary level) 250000 250000

then Are IAS rich?

I have seen IAS with Mercedes, Audi, Porsche and all the luxury cars that you can imagine. As far as I know, their basic pay even after 10+ years is not more than 80-90k but they’re buying lands worth 10-20 crores every year and cars worth 80l-1cr.

Which is lowest post in UPSC? It is conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC). Throughout the country, these services have been the most sought after careers by youngsters.

Allocation of Top Services & cutoff ranks ( 2018)

Allocated Services IAS
General Category Last Rank 92
OBC Last Rank 457
SC Last Rank 492
ST Last Rank 528

Do IAS get holidays?

Number of Leaves Allotted Every Year

Casual Leaves- 08. Gazetted Holidays- About 20. Half-pay Leaves- 20. Weekends.

Is IAS exam difficult? Indeed, UPSC is tough as far as its syllabus is considered. The diversity of subjects demands more determination and long study hours. Since the role of an IAS is not just limited to a particular field, the subjects to be covered for this examination contains varied streams.

What is the last rank for IAS? Final rank Allocated for IAS, IPS, and IFS in 2017 (UPSC Rank Wise Post – 2017)

Services Last Rank
IAS 594
IFS 616
IPS 867
IRS (IT) 886

How many holidays do IAS get? Earned Leaves- 30. Casual Leaves- 08. Gazetted Holidays- About 20. Half-pay Leaves- 20.

Can an IAS officer earn 100 crore?

An IAS officer’s average net worth may easily reach 100 crores, with increased net worth based on the division in which they work.

Do IAS officers live luxurious life? The purpose of IAS exam preparation for an IAS officer is not to live a luxury life; they are dedicated for the welfare of society through different way. Of course they have a great reverence in the society and among people and highly respected in their field.

What is IPS salary?

The basic salary of an IPS officer starts at Rs. 56,100(TA, DA and HRA are extra) per month and can go on to reach Rs. 2,25,000 for a DGP.

What if I fail in IAS interview? It is very disheartening if a candidate has failed in UPSC Interview. However, it is equally depressing if a candidate has failed in UPSC Prelims. Even if a candidate fails in any one of the stages of the Civil Services Exam, the candidate has to start from scratch again.

How many seats are there in UPSC?

IAS (UPSC CSE) Vacancies: Previous 8 Years Vacancies

Year Total IAS Vacancies
2020 796
2019 896
2018 782
2017 980

Which civil service is best?

The Indian Administrative Service is the most popular civil service among all the aspiring candidates.

Is IAS a stressful job? The IAS officers encounter the greatest anxiety and stress when they need to face a substantial number of vulnerabilities and constantly changing the workplace. Stress additionally goes up quickly if your capacity to control outside varieties is low.

Can IAS use car for personal use? IPS / IAS Officer Car cannot use it for personal use. Furthermore, if they wish to use the cars for personal use they have to take permission and also pay fee charges for the same. The light beacon on the top of the cars of the IAS / IPS Officer is banned.

Is 3 years enough for IAS?

For smart aspirants, college is the best place to start preparing for IAS exam. Three years of college will give enough time to prepare well and one can reap the benefit of starting early.

Is IAS job stressful? The IAS officers encounter the greatest anxiety and stress when they need to face a substantial number of vulnerabilities and constantly changing the workplace. Stress additionally goes up quickly if your capacity to control outside varieties is low.

How many hours IAS toppers study?

There are some aspirants who claim to study 15-16 hours per day while preparing for the UPSC exam. And, there are others who clear the exam studying just for 6-7 hours in a day.

Also, read.

UPSC Calendar 2022 UPSC Books
UPSC 2022 UPSC Notes
How to Ward off Distractions While Studying for UPSC Exam?

How many post are there in IAS? UPSC Rankwise Post and Salary 2021: There are 24 posts allocated through the UPSC CSE every year. Check category wise last ranks in UPSC CSE that got various All India posts like IAS, IPS, IRS, IFS etc in previous years below. The rank list is released for various categories like SC, ST, OBC, EWS, General, etc.

How many IAS post each year?

180 IAS Officers are Appointed Every Year

After analyzing the IAS results, it is clear that around 180 candidates are selected in the Indian Administrative Services every year. However, despite the increasing or decreasing number of vacancies of other services, only 180 IAS officers are recruited every year.

Can IAS officers run YouTube channels? Can an IAS officer run a YouTube channel? – Quora. Yes They can if time permits.

Do IAS officers have black money?

IAS officer posted as SDM in allotted district after 1 year of training. As SDM he earn black money range from 0 to 1 crores. If you are honest officer then you will earn zero black money.

Do IAS officers do side business? Are IAS Officers Allowed to do Business? IAS officers are strictly prohibited under governmental regulations from directly partaking in business for personal interest while serving as a bureaucrat. However, retired IAS officers are allowed to run their own businesses.

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