The “middle classes”, targets of the Biden program

Democratic candidate Joe Biden on November 2 in Cleveland (Ohio).

Conceived as a referendum on the person of the outgoing president, Donald Trump’s electoral campaign left little room for the program he intends to implement during a possible second term. Its slogan Keep America Great indicates above all the continuation of the policies adopted in recent years. As for its variant, Make America Great Again, Again (to restore America to its greatness, once again), it is inspired by its 2016 promise and intends to bring America back to the pre-Covid period, marked by a thriving economy.

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For his part, Democrat Joe Biden has developed a program in complete rupture with the Republican administration on most major issues, with a few exceptions. As Mr. Trump has worked to invalidate or abolish policies pursued by his predecessor, Barack Obama, the former vice-president promises to reverse many of the measures taken over the past four years, notably on immigration or the climate . Result of a compromise between the proposals of the left wing of the party and the centrist convictions of the candidate, ” vision “ by Joe Biden to win “The battle for the soul of the nation” highlights three main topics: health, economy and climate change.

“Build back better”

The health crisis linked to Covid-19 has placed health and the social security system at the heart of the campaign. On the very management of the pandemic, Joe Biden proposes the obligation to wear a mask at the federal level, which Mr. Trump refused to do. It also promises resources for a safe reopening of schools (much of which is still closed across the country). It provides for an investment of 25 billion dollars for the manufacture and free distribution of a vaccine. More broadly, Joe Biden intends to improve the existing health coverage system, based on Obamacare – which he helped to adopt – by offering Americans, whatever their income, the possibility of taking out public insurance, less expensive than private insurance and today reserved for the most modest people.

Economically, Biden promises to “Rebuild America, for the better” : Build America Back Better. At the heart of its message, the middle class. Unlike his Republican opponent who, according to him, has “Rewarded for wealth” by granting tax cuts favorable to the wealthy, the Democrat wants “Reward work”. He advocates increasing the federal minimum wage to 15 dollars an hour (12.80 euros), against 7.25 dollars currently (6.20 euros). He wants to raise taxes on businesses and those with high incomes, saying the hike will only affect people who earn more than $ 400,000 a year.

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