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words of American protesters after the death of George Floyd

" I'm mad ", "It makes me sick", " I am fighting for mine "… These sentences were spoken during a demonstration in New York on June 2.

These protesters, often young, gathered to protest against the death of George Floyd. Kneeling on the ground, raised, they celebrated the memory of this man who died during a police arrest, May 25 in Minneapolis.

Jei McGill, a 19-year-old black man, explains that " The cup is full ". He too laments "Injustices and mismanaged business". Hat on her head and black mask on her mouth, Katie Burns, a young 22-year-old white woman, repeats that she " is angry " and "Racist police must go to jail".

Eight days after George Floyd's death on May 25, his memory was celebrated in most major American cities. While many demonstrations remained peaceful, the movement also sparked riots, leading several cities, such as New York, to mobilize the national guard and impose a curfew.

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