Trump at Mount Rushmore for a fireworks display of transgressions


Posted today at 6:35 am, updated at 7:03 am

A fireworks display of transgressions. Without masks or physical distancing, despite opposition from Indian nations and the risk of fire, Donald Trump held a rally on Friday, July 3, the day before American National Day, at the foot of Mount Rushmore in South Dakota. The United States is "The largest and most just country that has ever existed on this Earth", he proclaimed.

The podium was arranged so that its silhouette fits into the iconic frame in which are engraved on the rock the faces of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt. Reading his teleprompter, Mr. Trump warned against "Growing danger" posed by young Americans who challenge the heritage of the founders of the Republic. "The aim of the cultural revolution of the left is to overthrow the American revolution", he launched. George Washington will only " Never forget ", did he promise, Jefferson " never give up ".

The podium arranged so that the face of Donald Trump fits alongside those of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt.

Some 7,000 spectators attended the speech and the spectacle, tightened on folding chairs arranged on the terrace which concludes the monumental Avenue of Flags, at the foot of this National memorial, started in 1927 and completed in 1941.

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Republican governor of South Dakota, Kristi Noem, had decided to disregard the distancing instructions renewed on the eve of National Day by health authorities. While the epidemic is experiencing a record upsurge in fourteen states, to the point that traditional July 4 picnics and other excursions in national parks have been discouraged or even banned, she had invited everyone to take responsibility, the celebration of independence being a celebration of the individual freedom dear to Americans – including that of not wearing a mask on such a beautiful evening.

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Since 2010, no fireworks have taken place at Mount Rushmore due to the risk of fire. At the insistence of the White House, the national park service approved their return, ensuring that the pyrotechnic festival claimed by Trump for two years would not cause damage to the environment. An overflight of combat aircraft during the national anthem reinforced the patriotic effect, as well as the video testimonies of soldiers originating from South Dakota and wishing to wish a " happy Birthday " (the 244e) in the USA.

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