While the Iowa caucus, the first leg of the Democratic nomination contest for the presidential election of November 3, was held on Monday February 3, "Le Monde" launches its campaign logbook. A daily update, first of all five days a week until September, with campaign facts, political advertisements, polls, maps and figures that allow us to follow and experience the most important electoral competition in the world.

In the last Democratic debate, on February 7, Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar, 59, attacked the youngest in the race, Pete Buttigieg, 38, who had just proposed "Leave politics of the past in the past, turn the page and bring change to Washington". The senator had denounced a posture, "Because it's popular to say that and it makes you look like a cool newcomer." "I don't think that's what people want right now. We have a newcomer to the White House and look where it got us, " added the one who, on the contrary, highlights her experience and her record as a congresswoman.
The two candidates ended up in second and third place on the evening of New Hampshire primary on February 11, with 24.5% of the votes for the former mayor of South Bend (Indiana) and 19.9%. for the senator. Their duel is already scheduled in Nevada and South Carolina, the next states to decide. They are indeed targeting the same electorate with the same centrist strategy which consists in building a coalition bringing together, in addition to the Democrats, independents and Republicans hostile to the style of President Donald Trump.
The two candidates do not start on an equal footing. Pete Buttigieg has a larger war chest, although the senator's good performance on Tuesday stimulated donors. On the eve of Iowa, Pete Buttigieg had raised $ 75 million from his campaign start, compared to only $ 28 million for the senator according to the Center for Responsive Politics specializing in political financing.
Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar, on the other hand, share the same favorable image within the Democratic Party (with 59% and 58% respectively of good opinions) according to a poll by Quinnipiac University published on February 10. They are also the least known of the competition since 26% of the democrats questioned feel they do not know Pete Buttigieg enough to have an opinion, while 33% are in this case for Amy Klobuchar.