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Pro-Trump protesters burst into Capitol Hill: “It’s a huge failure of the US police”

After pro-Trump protesters burst into Capitol Hill in Washington on Wednesday, January 6, the management of security by American law enforcement agencies has come under fire. Mathieu Zagrodzki, associate researcher at the Center for Sociological Research on Law and Penal Institutions (Cesdip) and author of a thesis on American and French police, deciphers for The world the underside of this “Huge failure”.

Can we speak of failure of the American police forces in the events that occurred on Capitol Hill?

It is a huge failure on their part. It was not imaginable that a crowd would enter this building symbol of legislative power. Imagine the same thing in the National Assembly: it seems impossible. There are the gates which protect the access to the steps, there would have been mobile force units positioned all around, all the streets closed around, we would have deployed armored vehicles… What happened is an insane attack on the separation of powers, the leader of the executive who incites half-heartedly to storm the high place of legislative power.

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How is the Capitol protected?

The Capitol Police are a rather special force, which is placed directly under the auspices of the United States Congress. It does not depend on the executive power and therefore on the White House. Its mission is to protect the building and ensure the safety of members of Congress. It has “only” 1,800 people, who cannot be mobilized all at the same time, to protect a building which is not designed as a bunker: it is a 19th century building.e century, which has security holes, with many windows in particular. There was a plan, a few years ago, to build a sort of fence around it, which would have been a first line of defense. This had been abandoned because in American symbolism, it is the palace of the people, the symbol of power by the people, for the people.

Is this the responsibility of the Capitol police?

No, they do not have the human means to hold back a crowd of several thousand unleashed individuals. When the demonstrators are on the steps, there is nothing more you can do. Either you object with your body, but you have to have the number, or you draw your weapon, and it becomes a bloodbath. These are the previous lines of defense that have failed, or rather that did not exist …

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