President Trump, Year IV: The Silence of Cowards

President Donald Trump, in videoconference with the military for Thanksgiving, November 26 at the White House.

Tkings weeks of denial, ongoing series. While the elected president advances, forms his teams, the defeated president sinks. To concede defeat would have freed him as surely as a confession can appease the liar, but he is still unable to. He curses and grumbles, repeats his anger, promises that we’ll see what we’ll see, that it’s not over, that it never will be.

On Thanksgiving Day, November 26, Donald Trump had conceived the laudable project of reaching out to military personnel deployed far from their families. He is installed behind a small cramped desk framed by two bare fir trees in the reception room of the diplomats (Diplomatic Reception Room), but he devoted more time to the journalists present than to the military, to rehash his obsessions, under the vaguely worried gaze of George Washington, whose portrait towered over him.

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The first question focused on his plans for his last Thanksgiving at the White House. The president immediately retorted that it was too much to say that he would not have more. If you watch what’s going on. You really have to watch what’s going on. They find huge differences in the votes. No one believes these numbers. These digits are incorrect numbers. Many incorrect numbers have already been reported , he continued. Twenty-five minutes of painful complaints ensued.


Donald Trump has admitted that he will not lock himself in the Oval Office on January 20 at noon, when his mandate expires, with his hands gripping the Resolute Desk, but this concession has been drowned in an embarrassing array of results of the election. According to him, it would be necessary to put on one side 74 million impeccable and patriotic ballots because his name is ticked there, and on the other 80 million votes that “Joe Biden did not have” and that he could not have had without a “Massive fraud”, “The greatest business of our time”. “I did not lose”, repeated the outgoing president. A good title for his Memoirs.

“To say that an election was fraudulent does not make that election fraudulent. It takes specific claims and evidence, but we have neither Federal Judge Stephanos Bibas, appointed by Donald Trump, ruled on Friday in appeal proceedings concerning Pennsylvania. It was the last rout in a long series of shaky remedies. But Donald Trump can all the more refuse this cold reality as it resonates in a vacuum, or almost, within the Republican Party whose highest leader, Ronna McDaniel, repeats his accusations with exemplary servility.

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