Jthursday, february 13, William Barr let go of his tools, picked up his big voice, then went to the studios of the ABC chain to say that it was all starting to do well.
For the past two days, Donald Trump has been doing justice on his Twitter account. The President of the United States overwhelmed the prosecutors who recommended a heavy sentence for one of his relatives, Roger Stone, expert in crooked strokes since Richard Nixon (whose effigy he tattooed himself), and convicted, in November 2019, witness tampering as part of the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.
Then the White House tenant noisily congratulated himself when the justice department – which William Barr is responsible for – cut the possible sentence in half, before attacking a federal judge in charge of sensitive cases again.
"Having public statements and tweets about the department, about the people in the department, the men and women who work here, about the cases going on in the department, and about the judges before whom we have cases, make that 'it is impossible for me to do my job and to assure the courts and prosecutors of the department that we do our work with integrity', lamented this former Bush administration elder. "I can't do my job here in the department with a constant substantive comment", added theattorney general the United States.
The leader of the Senate majority, who recently did all he could to acquit the president after he was indicted by the House of Representatives in the Ukrainian affair, bravely stood by William Barr's side. "It makes his job difficult", groaned on conservative Fox News Mitch McConnell.
Elected Republicans Becoming Apathetic
Donald Trump was moderately shaken. He judged the following day, on his Twitter account, that his unfortunate minister was perfectly right and that he would not less continue to do what he sang to him, when he liked. Using a quote from William Barr who said the day before that he never asked her "To do anything in a criminal case", the president added that "That doesn't mean that I don't have the legal right to do it as president, I have it, but I have so far chosen not to do it!" "
The Minister of Justice should not be surprised. In 2018, he wrote a memo in favor of an increase in presidential powers, no doubt to attract the attention of Donald Trump. The conception of an enlarged presidency of William Barr, however, has little to do with that of the legacy of the current tenant of the White House.